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SLR-Mail No.860

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Date:2001-12-20 09:04:00
Sender:John J. Degnan <John Degnan <jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 860: Emergency Tracking of the Russian REFLECTOR Satellite
Author:John J. Degnan
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-12-20 09:04:00 UTC Message No. 860

Author: John J. Degnan
Subject: Emergency Tracking of the Russian REFLECTOR Satellite

In response to an emergency request circulated via SLRmail yesterday by the
mission sponsors, the ILRS Governing Board has voted to approve immediate
tracking of the Russian REFLECTOR satellite which recently separated from
the Meteor 3M mission launched on December 10. Scott Wetzell of Honeywell
TSI is in the process of confirming the NORAD ID number and obtaining
reliable predicts for the satellite.

Once these confirmed predicts are circulated to the community, the
Governing Boards asks that all ILRS stations provide high priority
tracking of this satellite until such time that the orbit is
well-determined and a more permanent tracking priority is recommended by
the Missions Working Group and approved by the Governing Board.

Further information on this satellite, as provided to the Missions
Working Group, will be circulated via SLRmail shortly.

Thank you for your support.


Dr. John J. Degnan
Chairman, ILRS Governing Board
Mail Code 920.3
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
Phone: 01-301-614-5860
FAX: 01-301-614-5970
E-mail: jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov

From: John Degnan


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