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SLR-Mail No.865

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Date:2001-12-21 19:37:00
Sender:Moblas5 <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 865: Successful REFLECTOR pass at Moblas5
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-12-21 19:37:00 UTC Message No. 865

Author: Moblas5
Subject: Successful REFLECTOR pass at Moblas5


We have just taken a successful SLR pass of the Reflector satellite.
The pass details are:

Eph #355 (MCC)

Time Bias +240mS

Az/El Biases - nominal

Range Bias - 0uS

Visibility - ok, a bit weaker than Topex

SLR return strength: Slightly variable - there are dead times but these are
relatively short (especially above 30 deg). Most of the time during the pass
it was stronger than Lageos 2 but weaker than other LEO sats.

We obtained several hundred returns on a 64 degree pass.

NP´s will follow shortly via the normal channels

Randall Carman


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