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Date:2001-12-22 23:56:00
Sender:H.Kunimori <Hiroo Kunimori <kuni@crl.go.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 867: CRLLAS2002 Symposium
SLR Electronic Mail 2001-12-22 23:56:00 UTC Message No. 867

Author: H.Kunimori
Subject: CRLLAS2002 Symposium

Dear Colleagues,

This is announcement for CRL International Symposium on
Light Propagation and Sensing Technologies
for Future Applications ((CRLAS2002) to be held on March 13-14, 2002
in Tokyo.
Call for paper is available on the WEB,


I am a member of steering committee and one of organizer
responsible for laser ranging and precise measurement.
If you are interested in submit paper, please let me know
by not later than January 15, 2002.

Thank you for your attention.

Hiroo Kunimori,
COE Symposium 2002 Steering Committee
Communications Research Laboratory
Independent Administrative Institution
4-2-1 Nukui-Kita Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795 Japan

From: Hiroo Kunimori


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