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SLR-Mail No.875

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Date:2002-01-07 17:33:00
Sender:Jim Ray <Jim Ray <jimr@maia.usno.navy.mil> (USNO 202-762-1444)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 875: Brian Luzum
Author:Jim Ray
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-01-07 17:33:00 UTC Message No. 875

Author: Jim Ray
Subject: Brian Luzum

Brian Luzum resigned from the U.S. Naval Observatory, effective 29 December.
He is moving with his wife, Phyllis, to the University of Florida to finish
his Ph.D. degree, working with Bill Carter. (He doesn´t have a forwarding
e-mail address yet.)

Brian served USNO faithfully for more than 15 years. Many of you have
interacted with him in the process of operating the IERS Bulletin A, for
which Brian had lead responsibility. During recent years, he implemented
many new features, upgrades, and innovations which has led to a much
improved EOP user service. In addition, he provided regular feedback and
quality assessments to contributing analysis centers. The careful attention
to detail and diligence that Brian brought to his job will be sorely missed.

The Earth Orientation Department and USNO owe Brian a profound debt of
gratitude for his very hard work and many invaluable contributions. I extend
my personal wishes for his every success in the future.

In the future, any routine correspondence dealing with the IERS Bulletin A
or related matters should be addressed to . All
other issues should be addressed to me.


From: Jim Ray (USNO 202-762-1444)


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