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SLR-Mail No.882

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Date:2002-01-11 13:18:00
Sender:Jim Ray <Jim Ray <jimr@maia.usno.navy.mil> (USNO 202-762-1444)>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 882: EGS Abstract Deadline Extended
Author:Jim Ray
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-01-11 13:18:00 UTC Message No. 882

Author: Jim Ray
Subject: EGS Abstract Deadline Extended

Despite earlier statements that the abstract deadline for the 27th EGS
General Assembly was today, it has now been extended to 18 January at
12:00 UTC. The 18th is supposed to be the ”absolute” deadline.

For details, please refer to .


From: Jim Ray (USNO 202-762-1444)


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