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Date:1997-10-31 19:00:00
Sender:John J. Degnan <###FROM###>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 90: EGS Symposium Instrumental Challenges in Geodesy (G15): Call for Papers
Author:John J. Degnan
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-10-31 19:00:00 UTC Message No. 90

Author: John J. Degnan
Subject: EGS Symposium Instrumental Challenges in Geodesy (G15): Call for Papers

Dear Colleague,

We wish to inform you of our ”Instrumental Challenges in Geodesy” Symposium
(G15) to be held as part of the XXIII General Assembly of the European
Geophysical Society (EGS) during the week of April 20-24, 1998 at the
Acropolis Conference Center in Nice, France. Our particular symposium is
dedicated to research and development activities related to instrumentation,
calibration, and measurement/analysis techniques in the areas of Satellite
Laser Ranging (SLR), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), microwave
space geodetic techniques (i.e. GPS, GLONASS, DORIS, or PRARE), or
ground-based gravity measurements. Please note that there are other symposia
dedicated to ”Spaceborne and Airborne Gravimetric and Altimetric Techniques”
and to the many Earth science applications of space geodetic
instrumentation. Further details on the EGS and the meeting in Nice can be
obtained at the following World Wide Web address:


Three types of papers will be presented in the symposia: invited papers (30
min), contributed papers (15 min), and poster papers (3-5 min oral
presentation with extended poster or video display).

We are distributing this message via several email lists, and we apologize
in advance for your receiving more than one announcement. We are also
sending this announcement as an attached Microsoft Word for Windows Document
in the event that your email format distorts the content.

”Instrumental Challenges in Geodesy” Symposium (G15)

In recent years, technologists and analysts within the space geodetic
community have been responding to a number of technical challenges driven by
important geoscience questions such as sea level, postglacial uplift, and
global mass tranfer. These challenges include improved site position
sensitivity and accuracy (especially in the vertical), better temporal
coverage and resolution, increased automation, and reduced atmospheric
errors. This symposium will primary showcase the methods by which the
technology and analysis communities for the various space geodetic
techniques are meeting these new and important scientific challenges.

In particular, we are soliciting contributed and poster/video papers in the
following areas:

Satellite Laser Ranging

Advanced Millimeter Accuracy Systems
Highly or Fully Automated Systems
Eyesafe Systems
Multicolor Systems for Atmospheric Refraction Correction
Millimeter Accuracy Satellite Designs
Lunar or Interplanetary Laser Ranging

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)

Advanced Receivers and Correlators
Realtime VLBI
Spaceborne VLBI
Special Experiments/Applications

Microwave Geodetic Systems (GPS, GLONASS, DORIS, PRARE)

Advanced Antennas, Receivers, Transceivers, or Techniques

Multitechnique or Combined Systems

Atmospheric Correction and Stochastic Modelling

Calibration Techniques

Gravity Instrumentation

General Information on the EGS XXIII General assembly

For general information and advanced registration please contact:

EGS Office
Max-Planck-Str. 13
37191 Katlenburg-Lindau
Tel: +49-5556-1440
Fax: +49-5556-4709



For hotel accommodation please contact:

14 Avenue Marianna
F-06000 Nice
Tel: +33-493-530010
Fax: +33-493-530039

Call for Papers

Scientists of all nations are invited to submit abstracts of their
contributions, one copy to one of the Conveners listed below and the
original (or ASCII or PS files) to the EGS Office, Max-Planck Str. 13, 37191
Katlenburg-Lindau, GERMANY. Abstracts should be typed in English and
prepared in the usual camera-ready format (12.0 cm width x 10.5 cm height).
Submittal information must include the name and full address of the key author.


Notice of Acceptance

After the contributions have been reviewed the appropriate authors will be
informed about the status of their paper (and of financial support) in
mid-January 1998. Abstracts of accepted papers will be included free of
charge in Annales Geophysicae Supplement, Vol. 16, 1998.

Notice of Schedule

After the Programme Committee has defined the overall time schedule of the
conference and after the Conveners have approved their session programmes,
all key-authors will be informed on the final status and schedule of their
paper at the beginning of March 1998. Scheduled presentations are included
in the Society´s bulletin Newsletter Number 66, 1998.

Oral Presentations

All lecture rooms are of professional standard, and they will be equipped
with 2 overhead projectors, 1 slide projector and one/two screens allowing
for double-projection at any time.

Poster Presentations

Authors are encouraged to submit poster contributions, as separate Poster
Sessions will be foreseen in the programme. For each poster contribution one
numbered poster board will be reserved.

Video Presentations

Authors are invited to submit video presentations, as a special video
theatre will be available for showing VHS (multinorm) videos to a larger

We look forward to your participation in our symposium.


Paolo Tomasi, Convener John Degnan, Co-Convener
Instituto di Radioastronomia CNR NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr
Area di Ricerca del CNR Code 920.3, Geoscience Technology Office
Via Gobetti 101 Greenbelt Rd.
1-40129 Bologna Greenbelt, MD 20771
E-mail: tomasi@astbo1.bo.cnr.it Email: jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov
Phone: 39-51-6399388 Phone: 01-301-286-8470
Fax: 39-51-6399431 Fax: 01-301-286-0213


Find more topics on the central web site of the Technical University of Munich: www.tum.de