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Date:2002-02-27 20:56:00
Sender:Suriya Tatevian <Carey Noll <noll@cddisa.gsfc.nasa.gov>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 904: APSG Seminar in Irkutsk
Author:Suriya Tatevian
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-02-27 20:56:00 UTC Message No. 904

Author: Suriya Tatevian
Subject: APSG Seminar in Irkutsk

First Announcement and Call for Papers for the International Seminar
On the Use of Space Techniques for Asia Pacific Regional Crustal Movements
APSG Irkutsk (Asia Pacific Space Geodynamics Program)

5-10 August, 2002, Irkutsk, Russia

Organized by: Russian Foundation of Fundamental Sciences,
Russian Academy of Sciences Executive Bureau on Space Research,
Institute of Astronomy RAS.
Department of Education of the RF Irkutsk State Technical University.
APSG Central Bureau Shanghai Astronomical Observatory.

Dear Colleague!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
the Institute of Astronomy RAS, the Irkutsk State Technical University and
the Central Bureau of the APSG Program invite you to take part in the
International Seminar On the Use of Space Techniques for Asia Pacific
Regional Crustal Movements Studies, which will be held in Irkutsk (Russian
Federation), 5-10 of August, 2002.


1. Review of space geodynamics projects, networks, reference coordinate
2. Regional networks for crustal deformation studies in the Central Asia, the
Tibetan Plateau, Eastern Siberia and South-Eastern Asia.
3. Studies of the Geodynamics of the Western Pacific volcanic seismic belt
with the use of new space techniques.
4. Scientific data analysis, development of deformation models, comparison
with the geological models.

A Preliminary Program.

August, 5 Monday arrival, registration.
August, 6,7,8 Tuesday-Thursday scientific sessions.
August, 9 Friday business meetings, visit to the Siberian Geophysical
Observatory and to the Observatory of the Siberian Branch of the State
Metrological Service.
August, 10 Saturday closing session, excursion

The official language of the Seminar is English, no simultaneous translation
will be available.

Program Committee

Co-Chairmen: Ye Shuhua (APSG Central Bureau)
D.V. Rundquist ( RAS, Department of Geology)
Claude Boucher (France, ENSG)
John LaBrecque (USA, NASA)
Michael Pearlman (USA, SAO)
John Manning (Australia, AUSLIG)
Chris Reigber (Germany, GFZ)
Raissa Lobatskaya (RF, Irkutsk Techn.Univ.)
Suriya Tatevian (RF, INASAN)

The participants are invited to fill in and submit to the Secretariat of the
Organizing Committee (Institute of Astronomy RAS, apsg@inasan.rssi.ru or
FAX 7-095-2302081) a Pre-registration form together with the titles of
presentations (in the attached electronic form in Word or LaTeX format) before
March, 10.

Registration fee 50 USD- will be paid at the meeting.


The list of hotels will be provided in the Second Announcement. We recommend
two 4-stars hotels (Intourist and Angara) in the downtown, not far from
the Irkutsk Technical University. The prices per night are around of 40 to 120

APSG Irkutsk.
5-10, AUGUST, 2002

Pre-Registration Form.

FIRST NAME:_____________________________________________
Post code__________-Country________________-City____________

Title(s) of Paper(s):

I´ll be accompanied by__________________________________________________

Suriya Tatevian, Dr.Sc.
Institute of Astronomy, RAS.
48, Pyatnizkaya str.,
109017, Moscow, RF.
tel 7-095-9512923
fax 7-095-2302081
e-mail statev@inasan.rssi.ru

From: Carey Noll


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