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SLR-Mail No.93

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Date:1997-11-07 16:00:00
Sender:K. Lapushka, Riga <[Mailed W. Seemueller <seemuell@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 93: Riga 1884 Range Bias
Author:K. Lapushka, Riga
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-11-07 16:00:00 UTC Message No. 93

Author: K. Lapushka, Riga
Subject: Riga 1884 Range Bias

To SLR community and Data Centers.

Dear Colleagues

As You well know,laser ranging results from Riga-1884 was affected
by ”eternal” range bias many of Years. Attempts to find it into calibration
and receivers electronic was unsuccesful. That distorted only a real range
bias,but given´t a right solution.
At last this error is now pulled out from it hidden place into data reduction
to the telescope axis crosspoint software,where one of the light pass
interval was added twice.
As result, to all single-way distances from January 1 1994, to September 1
1997, 7.5 +/-0.1 cm must be added.
I punish myself and regreet any inconvenience this problem will cause the
user community.

With timorous Regards Kazimirs Lapushka.

[Mailed From: ”W. Seemueller” ]


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