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SLR-Mail No.945

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Date:2002-05-17 17:18:00
Sender:John Degnan, NASA <EDC slrmail account <slrmail@dgfi.badw-muenchen.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 945: Extension of the GLONASS Tracking Campaign
Author:John Degnan, NASA
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-05-17 17:18:00 UTC Message No. 945

Author: John Degnan, NASA
Subject: Extension of the GLONASS Tracking Campaign

The ILRS Governing Board has approved the extension of the current GLONASS
Tracking Campaign through October 31, 2002. This action was taken at the
request of the ILRS Analysis Coordinator , Ron Noomen, based on the
scientific results obtained from the current campaign. All ILRS stations
are therefore requested to continue tracking GLONASS at the same priority
as before.



Dr. John J. Degnan
Chairman, ILRS Governing Board
Mail Code 920.3
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
Phone: 01-301-614-5860
FAX: 01-301-614-5970
E-mail: jjd@ltpmail.gsfc.nasa.gov

From: EDC slrmail account


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