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SLR-Mail No.96

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Date:1997-12-04 12:00:00
Sender:Andrew Sinclair <[Mailed Andy Sinclair <ats@ast.cam.ac.uk>]>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 96: Eurolas Executive
Author:Andrew Sinclair
SLR Electronic Mail 1997-12-04 12:00:00 UTC Message No. 96

Author: Andrew Sinclair
Subject: Eurolas Executive


The current holders of the Eurolas Executive positions are
Andrew Sinclair (President) and Antonin Novotny (Secretary).
They were elected to these positions in October 1993, and their
terms of office have now expired. At a meeting in November of some
Eurolas members, followed by communication with all of the Eurolas
Board by e-mail, the following new appointments have been made:

President of Eurolas: Werner Gurtner
Secretary of Eurolas: Wolfgang Seemueller

These appointments will formally commence on 1st April 1998, and run for
three years. The current executives will continue in post up to 1st April
in order to complete business already in hand. However any new planning
and business should be carried out with the new executives immediately.

It is my pleasure to congratulate Werner and Wolfgang on their appointments,
and to commend them for agreeing to make this further extension the valuable
contribution that they already make to the SLR community.

[Mailed From: Andy Sinclair ]


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