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SLR-Mail No.971

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Date:2002-08-21 08:55:00
Sender:Toshimichi Otsubo, CRL <Toshimichi Otsubo <otsubo@crl.go.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 971: new format for crl bias report
Author:Toshimichi Otsubo, CRL
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-08-21 08:55:00 UTC Message No. 971

Author: Toshimichi Otsubo, CRL
Subject: new format for crl bias report

Dear Colleagues,

We have today made a minor change in the format of our
weekly bias report. The wavelength data (in nm) is added
at the end of each line so that the report can accommodate
multi-colour observations. A dual-wavelenth pass is treated
as two passes like this.

# sat site date time dur rb mm error tb us error prec bad total rms pres temp hum sdelay shft rms cfg r wlen
LAG2 7810 2002/08/14 07:32 40 3 ( 4 ) 1.1 ( 2.5 ) 8 0 / 17 33 916.8 287.8 100 12472 0 27 7 0 0 846
LAG2 7810 2002/08/14 07:33 35 6 ( 4 ) 1.8 ( 3.0 ) 3 0 / 16 27 916.8 287.8 100 12149 0 20 7 0 0 423

This report is being distributed via SLReport mailing list
every week, and also available at:

Best Regards,
Toshimichi Otsubo
Communications Research Laboratory, Kashima
phone +81-299-84-7122 facsimile +81-299-84-7160

From: Toshimichi Otsubo


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