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SLR-Mail No.989

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Date:2002-10-28 12:06:00
Sender:Stanislaw Schillak (schillak@cbk.poznan.pl) <EDC slrmail account <slrmail@dgfi.badw.de>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 989: Borowiec SLR
Author:Stanislaw Schillak
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-10-28 12:06:00 UTC Message No. 989

Author: Stanislaw Schillak (schillak@cbk.poznan.pl)
Subject: Borowiec SLR

Dear colleagues,

Borowiec SLR station is operational from 26 October 2002. The Borowiec
staff regrets any inconvenience caused by three months break in Borowiec
satellite laser ranging.

Best regards
Stanislaw Schillak

From: EDC slrmail account


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