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SLR-Mail No.994

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Date:2002-11-06 08:56:00
Sender:NASDA <Takashi.Uchimura <uchimura@eoc.nasda.go.jp>>
Subject:[SLR-Mail] No. 994: ADEOS-II Launch Information by NASDA
SLR Electronic Mail 2002-11-06 08:56:00 UTC Message No. 994

Author: NASDA
Subject: ADEOS-II Launch Information by NASDA

Dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for your cooperation to track our satellites.
I am writing to inform that NASDA has set the date of the ADEOS-II(The
Advanced Earth Observation Satellite II) launch from Tanegashima Space
Center, which was reported to the Science Activities Commission (SAC) in
Japan and approved as indicated below. ADEOS-II will be carried by
H-IIA/F4. NASDA plans to launch and inject ADEOS-II into orbit with 810km
altitude and inclination of 98.6 degrees on 14 December.

1.The Scientific Mission Objectives

The scientific goal of ADEOS-II is summarized in three points.
(1) To monitor the water and energy cycle regularly as a part of the global
climate system.
(2) To estimate quantitatively the biomass and fundamental productivity as
part of the carbon cycle, which plays an important role for global warming.
(3) To detect the signal of long term climate change as a results of
continuous observation succeeded from ADEOS.

2.The Tacking Mission Objectives

(1)Gravitational Model of Earth will be modified using SLR and GPS data
from a low-orbiting satellite.
(2)Precise Orbit determination technique using GPS and SLR will be
established in JAPAN.
(3)To offer precise orbit information for all ADEOS-II mission users routinely.
(4)The tracking accuracy and operation procedure of SLR will be verified
during solar activity period.

As satellite Laser ranging data obtained at world-wide SLR network are
necessary for orbit determination and its evaluation, NASDA would
appreciate it if your station could observe ADEOS-II immediately after the
orbit injection.

3.Details of the flight schedule for the H-IIA No.4

1) Target Launch Date : December 14 ( Saturday ), 2002
2) Target Launch Time : 01:31-01:47 (UT)
3) Reserved Period : December 15 (Sunday) - December 30 (Monday)
4) Launch Site : H-IIA Launch Complex, Tanegashima Space Center

4.ADEOS-II SLR Tracking Campaign

1) Campaign period : From Launch day to Launch + 39 days
ADEOS-II carries some optical sensors.
All station must be suspended laser ranging to the ADEOS-II after launch
plus 39 days.
2) NASDA will transmit IRVs before launch, after launch and every orbit

More detail information about ADEOS-II tracking campaign is maintained on
our website, which can be found at :


Yours sincerely,




National Space Development Agency of JAPAN
Office of Satellite Technology,Research and Applications
Satellite Mission Operations Department
Flight Dynamics Group


Tel +81 298 68 2624 Fax +81 298 68 2990
e-mail ” uchimura@eoc.nasda.go.jp ”
Internal URL : http://hats.tkc.nasda.go.jp
Global URL : http://god.tksc.nasda.go.jp


From: ”Takashi.Uchimura”


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