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SLR-Report No.19396

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Date:2015-11-30 13:31:51
Sender:Quicklook <dsgqlk@lambda532.net>
Subject:[SLR-Report] No.19396: COMPASS CONSTELLATION Weekly Tracking Report
Author:Data Operation Center, NASA SLR
Content:Author: Data Operation Center, NASA SLR

COMPASS-M3 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 11-Jul-2012 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPM3 Golossiv 1824 5320 4 14
COMPM3 Komsomol 1868 5320 5 15
COMPM3 Simeiz 1873 5320 2 16
COMPM3 Mendelee 1874 5320 5 25
COMPM3 Altay 1879 5320 13 37
COMPM3 Arkhyz 1886 5320 6 17
COMPM3 Katzivel 1893 5320 8 54
COMPM3 Mcdonald 7080 5320 2 9
COMPM3 Yarragad 7090 5320 490 1527 1 2
COMPM3 Greenbel 7105 5320 114 404
COMPM3 Monument 7110 5320 130 312
COMPM3 Tahiti 7124 5320 66 239
COMPM3 Greenbel 7125 5320 7 21
COMPM3 Changchu 7237 5320 346 898 3 7
COMPM3 Beijing 7249 5320 21 91
COMPM3 Tokyo 7308 5320 5 24
COMPM3 Daedeok 7359 5320 1 7
COMPM3 Concepci 7405 8470 3 18
COMPM3 San Juan 7406 5320 39 205
COMPM3 San Juan 7406 5321 78 478
COMPM3 Hartebee 7501 5320 33 118
COMPM3 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 231 858
COMPM3 Shanghai 7821 5320 72 271
COMPM3 Mt Strom 7825 5320 58 240
COMPM3 Mt Strom 7825 5321 168 648
COMPM3 Simosato 7838 5320 24 190
COMPM3 Graz 7839 5320 196 1001
COMPM3 Herstmon 7840 5320 172 534 2 10
COMPM3 Potsdam 7841 5320 3 19
COMPM3 Potsdam 7841 5321 6 57
COMPM3 Grasse 7845 5321 111 358
COMPM3 Matera 7941 5320 308 1055 4 13
COMPM3 Wettzell 8834 5320 182 683
------- ------- ----------- -----------
2909 10443 10 32

COMPASS-G1 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 25-Apr-2012 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPG1 Komsomol 1868 5320 6 13
COMPG1 Yarragad 7090 5320 446 1534 2 5
COMPG1 Changchu 7237 5320 620 2473 15 34
COMPG1 Beijing 7249 5320 14 70
COMPG1 Tokyo 7308 5320 23 119
COMPG1 San Juan 7406 5320 3 22
COMPG1 Shanghai 7821 5320 133 679
COMPG1 Mt Strom 7825 5320 10 44
COMPG1 Mt Strom 7825 5321 30 81
------- ------- ----------- -----------
1285 5035 17 39

COMPASS-I3 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 25-Apr-2012 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPI3 Komsomol 1868 5320 8 21
COMPI3 Mendelee 1874 5320 1 3
COMPI3 Altay 1879 5320 16 47
COMPI3 Yarragad 7090 5320 634 2172
COMPI3 Changchu 7237 5320 507 1610 2 3
COMPI3 Beijing 7249 5320 42 187
COMPI3 Tokyo 7308 5320 6 32
COMPI3 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 1 1
COMPI3 Shanghai 7821 5320 130 562
COMPI3 Mt Strom 7825 5320 18 107
COMPI3 Mt Strom 7825 5321 117 502 1 1
COMPI3 Graz 7839 5320 31 144 1 3
COMPI3 Grasse 7845 5321 21 79
COMPI3 Wettzell 8834 5320 41 143
------- ------- ----------- -----------
1573 5610 4 7

COMPASS-I5 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 06-Jul-2012 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPI5 Komsomol 1868 5320 3 9
COMPI5 Simeiz 1873 5320 2 21
COMPI5 Mendelee 1874 5320 4 19
COMPI5 Altay 1879 5320 27 79
COMPI5 Katzivel 1893 5320 7 50
COMPI5 Yarragad 7090 5320 678 2392
COMPI5 Changchu 7237 5320 461 1757 4 9
COMPI5 Beijing 7249 5320 45 275
COMPI5 Tokyo 7308 5320 5 31
COMPI5 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 191 849
COMPI5 Shanghai 7821 5320 156 765
COMPI5 Mt Strom 7825 5320 1 1
COMPI5 Mt Strom 7825 5321 52 186
COMPI5 Graz 7839 5320 127 805
COMPI5 Herstmon 7840 5320 78 236
COMPI5 Grasse 7845 5321 115 373
COMPI5 Matera 7941 5320 160 585
COMPI5 Wettzell 8834 5320 125 474
------- ------- ----------- -----------
2237 8907 4 9

COMPASS-IS1 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 08-Sep-2015 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPIS1 Changchu 7237 5320 7 60
------- ------- ----------- -----------
7 60

COMPASS-MS1 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 09-Nov-2015 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPMS1 Yarragad 7090 5320 5 14 2 4
COMPMS1 Mt Strom 7825 5321 1 3 1 3
COMPMS1 Matera 7941 5320 2 3 2 3
------- ------- ----------- -----------
8 20 5 10

COMPASS-MS2 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 09-Nov-2015 - 30-NOV-2015

All 23-NOV-2015
ALL CRD 23-NOV-2015 30-NOV-2015
CRD Norm 30-NOV-2015 Norm
Sat Station PAD_ID Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
COMPMS2 Yarragad 7090 5320 4 11 1 3
COMPMS2 Changchu 7237 5320 3 8 1 1
------- ------- ----------- -----------
7 19 2 4

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