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SLR-Report No.19660

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Date:2016-02-22 13:32:05
Sender:Quicklook <dsgqlk@lambda532.net>
Subject:[SLR-Report] No.19660: IRNSS CONSTELLATION Weekly Tracking Report
Author:Data Operation Center, NASA SLR
Content:Author: Data Operation Center, NASA SLR

IRNSS-1A CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 05-Sep-2013 - 22-FEB-2016

All 15-FEB-2016
ALL CRD 15-FEB-2016 22-FEB-2016
CRD Norm 22-FEB-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
IRNSS-1A Altay 1879 5320 18 43 1 2
IRNSS-1A Yarragad 7090 5320 241 823
IRNSS-1A Changchu 7237 5320 31 84
IRNSS-1A Zimmerwa 7810 5321 123 639
IRNSS-1A Shanghai 7821 5320 1 2
IRNSS-1A Graz 7839 5320 66 460
IRNSS-1A Herstmon 7840 5320 64 203 1 4
IRNSS-1A Grasse 7845 5321 127 513
IRNSS-1A Matera 7941 5320 45 154
IRNSS-1A Wettzell 8834 5320 51 189
------- ------- ----------- -----------
767 3110 2 6

IRNSS-1B CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 04-Apr-2014 - 22-FEB-2016

All 15-FEB-2016
ALL CRD 15-FEB-2016 22-FEB-2016
CRD Norm 22-FEB-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
IRNSS-1B Altay 1879 5320 11 24 1 2
IRNSS-1B Yarragad 7090 5320 119 365
IRNSS-1B Changchu 7237 5320 15 38
IRNSS-1B Beijing 7249 5320 3 11
IRNSS-1B Hartebee 7501 5320 1 6
IRNSS-1B Zimmerwa 7810 5321 71 476
IRNSS-1B Graz 7839 5320 43 185
IRNSS-1B Herstmon 7840 5320 56 219
IRNSS-1B Grasse 7845 5321 92 334
IRNSS-1B Wettzell 8834 5320 28 110
------- ------- ----------- -----------
439 1768 1 2

IRNSS-1C CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 09-Oct-2014 - 22-FEB-2016

All 15-FEB-2016
ALL CRD 15-FEB-2016 22-FEB-2016
CRD Norm 22-FEB-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
IRNSS-1C Altay 1879 5320 7 16
IRNSS-1C Yarragad 7090 5320 168 494
IRNSS-1C Changchu 7237 5320 54 183
IRNSS-1C Beijing 7249 5320 1 3
IRNSS-1C Shanghai 7821 5320 3 8
------- ------- ----------- -----------
233 704

IRNSS-1D CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 24-APR-2015 - 22-FEB-2016

All 15-FEB-2016
ALL CRD 15-FEB-2016 22-FEB-2016
CRD Norm 22-FEB-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
IRNSS-1D Komsomol 1868 5320 1 1
IRNSS-1D Altay 1879 5320 4 10
IRNSS-1D Yarragad 7090 5320 79 248
IRNSS-1D Changchu 7237 5320 111 326 3 12
IRNSS-1D Shanghai 7821 5320 20 107
------- ------- ----------- -----------
215 692 3 12

IRNSS-1E CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 17-Jan-2016 - 22-FEB-2016

All 15-FEB-2016
ALL CRD 15-FEB-2016 22-FEB-2016
CRD Norm 22-FEB-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Passes Points Passes Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- ------- ------- ----------- -----------
IRNSS-1E Yarragad 7090 5320 2 6 1 3
IRNSS-1E Changchu 7237 5320 6 13 5 12
------- ------- ----------- -----------
8 19 6 15

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