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SLR-Report No.19920

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Date:2016-05-16 13:32:10
Sender:Quicklook <dsgqlk@lambda532.net>
Subject:[SLR-Report] No.19920: GALILEO CONSTELLATION Weekly Tracking Report
Author:Data Operation Center, NASA SLR
Content:Author: Data Operation Center, NASA SLR

GALILEO-101 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 01-Dec-2011 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-101 Golossiv 1824 5320 13 37
GAL-101 Komsomol 1868 5320 21 47
GAL-101 Simeiz 1873 5320 5 23
GAL-101 Mendelee 1874 5320 6 21
GAL-101 Altay 1879 5320 42 109
GAL-101 Arkhyz 1886 5320 47 130
GAL-101 Katzivel 1893 5320 13 97
GAL-101 Mcdonald 7080 5320 80 292
GAL-101 Yarragad 7090 5320 1851 6208 14 48
GAL-101 Greenbel 7105 5320 191 590 1 5
GAL-101 Monument 7110 5320 312 769 1 2
GAL-101 Tahiti 7124 5320 45 170
GAL-101 Greenbel 7125 5320 28 89
GAL-101 Changchu 7237 5320 588 1461 3 12
GAL-101 Beijing 7249 5320 31 112 1 3
GAL-101 Tokyo 7308 5320 23 136
GAL-101 Tanegash 7358 5320 1 3
GAL-101 Daedeok 7359 5320 4 25
GAL-101 Concepci 7405 8470 38 206
GAL-101 San Juan 7406 5320 131 654
GAL-101 San Juan 7406 5321 97 595
GAL-101 Hartebee 7501 5320 28 111
GAL-101 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 426 2975 1 2
GAL-101 Shanghai 7821 5320 112 421 2 6
GAL-101 Mt Strom 7825 5320 208 903
GAL-101 Mt Strom 7825 5321 285 1312 1 5
GAL-101 Graz 7839 5320 336 1766
GAL-101 Herstmon 7840 5320 321 1146
GAL-101 Potsdam 7841 5320 24 206
GAL-101 Potsdam 7841 5321 35 222
GAL-101 Grasse 7845 5321 241 834
GAL-101 Matera 7941 5320 511 1682
GAL-101 Wettzell 8834 5320 503 2124 2 8
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
6597 25476 26 91

GALILEO-102 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 15-Dec-2011 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-102 Golossiv 1824 5320 15 46
GAL-102 Komsomol 1868 5320 21 49
GAL-102 Simeiz 1873 5320 8 47
GAL-102 Mendelee 1874 5320 9 25
GAL-102 Altay 1879 5320 35 97
GAL-102 Arkhyz 1886 5320 43 141
GAL-102 Katzivel 1893 5320 17 128
GAL-102 Mcdonald 7080 5320 89 342
GAL-102 Yarragad 7090 5320 1639 5427 9 29
GAL-102 Greenbel 7105 5320 235 753 1 3
GAL-102 Monument 7110 5320 360 880
GAL-102 Tahiti 7124 5320 51 192
GAL-102 Greenbel 7125 5320 6 20
GAL-102 Changchu 7237 5320 582 1411 2 7
GAL-102 Beijing 7249 5320 25 82 1 3
GAL-102 Tokyo 7308 5320 24 130
GAL-102 Daedeok 7359 5320 10 79
GAL-102 Concepci 7405 8470 26 173
GAL-102 San Juan 7406 5320 148 742
GAL-102 San Juan 7406 5321 112 681
GAL-102 Hartebee 7501 5320 33 132
GAL-102 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 440 3929
GAL-102 Shanghai 7821 5320 106 383 1 4
GAL-102 Mt Strom 7825 5320 183 830
GAL-102 Mt Strom 7825 5321 279 1190 2 10
GAL-102 Graz 7839 5320 325 1831
GAL-102 Herstmon 7840 5320 352 1218 2 5
GAL-102 Potsdam 7841 5320 24 216
GAL-102 Potsdam 7841 5321 23 165 1 6
GAL-102 Grasse 7845 5321 272 955
GAL-102 Matera 7941 5320 377 1249 1 2
GAL-102 Wettzell 8834 5320 481 1915 2 7
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
6350 25458 22 76

GALILEO-103 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 17-Nov-2012 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-103 Golossiv 1824 5320 2 4
GAL-103 Komsomol 1868 5320 18 45
GAL-103 Simeiz 1873 5320 3 7
GAL-103 Mendelee 1874 5320 8 24
GAL-103 Altay 1879 5320 36 119
GAL-103 Arkhyz 1886 5320 55 199
GAL-103 Katzivel 1893 5320 5 24
GAL-103 Mcdonald 7080 5320 58 185
GAL-103 Yarragad 7090 5320 1267 4122 7 17
GAL-103 Greenbel 7105 5320 162 485 2 5
GAL-103 Monument 7110 5320 241 558
GAL-103 Tahiti 7124 5320 65 246
GAL-103 Greenbel 7125 5320 6 27
GAL-103 Changchu 7237 5320 532 1283 3 12
GAL-103 Beijing 7249 5320 16 52 1 4
GAL-103 Tokyo 7308 5320 5 24
GAL-103 Daedeok 7359 5320 3 22
GAL-103 Concepci 7405 8470 7 39
GAL-103 San Juan 7406 5321 58 322
GAL-103 Hartebee 7501 5320 24 88
GAL-103 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 329 2030
GAL-103 Shanghai 7821 5320 105 391 3 14
GAL-103 Mt Strom 7825 5320 142 644
GAL-103 Mt Strom 7825 5321 279 1319 2 5
GAL-103 Graz 7839 5320 303 1659 1 4
GAL-103 Herstmon 7840 5320 249 809 2 3
GAL-103 Potsdam 7841 5320 4 35
GAL-103 Potsdam 7841 5321 21 150
GAL-103 Grasse 7845 5321 161 524
GAL-103 Matera 7941 5320 372 1202 1 4
GAL-103 Wettzell 8834 5320 377 1473 3 14
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
4913 18111 25 82

GALILEO-104 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 21-Nov-2012 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-104 Golossiv 1824 5320 3 7
GAL-104 Komsomol 1868 5320 20 52
GAL-104 Simeiz 1873 5320 7 34
GAL-104 Mendelee 1874 5320 10 24
GAL-104 Altay 1879 5320 29 94 1 4
GAL-104 Arkhyz 1886 5320 60 227
GAL-104 Katzivel 1893 5320 3 19
GAL-104 Mcdonald 7080 5320 51 182
GAL-104 Yarragad 7090 5320 1322 4340 10 31
GAL-104 Greenbel 7105 5320 169 532
GAL-104 Monument 7110 5320 271 632
GAL-104 Tahiti 7124 5320 81 293
GAL-104 Greenbel 7125 5320 3 12
GAL-104 Changchu 7237 5320 537 1353 2 6
GAL-104 Beijing 7249 5320 20 69 1 3
GAL-104 Tokyo 7308 5320 5 27
GAL-104 Daedeok 7359 5320 5 31
GAL-104 Concepci 7405 8470 11 69
GAL-104 San Juan 7406 5321 56 357
GAL-104 Hartebee 7501 5320 23 88
GAL-104 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 349 2419
GAL-104 Shanghai 7821 5320 121 436 1 5
GAL-104 Mt Strom 7825 5320 159 877
GAL-104 Mt Strom 7825 5321 292 1520 2 12
GAL-104 Graz 7839 5320 276 1615 1 3
GAL-104 Herstmon 7840 5320 280 862 2 3
GAL-104 Potsdam 7841 5320 8 60
GAL-104 Potsdam 7841 5321 21 150
GAL-104 Grasse 7845 5321 189 565
GAL-104 Matera 7941 5320 488 1608 1 2
GAL-104 Wettzell 8834 5320 376 1536 2 6
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
5245 20090 23 75

GALILEO-201 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 22-Aug-2014 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-201 Komsomol 1868 5320 7 20
GAL-201 Simeiz 1873 5320 3 10
GAL-201 Mendelee 1874 5320 8 30 2 9
GAL-201 Altay 1879 5320 8 28
GAL-201 Riga 1884 5320 1 10
GAL-201 Arkhyz 1886 5320 2 6
GAL-201 Mcdonald 7080 5320 9 25
GAL-201 Yarragad 7090 5320 157 421 2 5
GAL-201 Greenbel 7105 5320 53 143
GAL-201 Monument 7110 5320 41 106 2 10
GAL-201 Tahiti 7124 5320 5 20
GAL-201 Changchu 7237 5320 212 453 2 7
GAL-201 Beijing 7249 5320 14 45 1 2
GAL-201 Hartebee 7501 5320 3 9
GAL-201 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 48 121
GAL-201 Shanghai 7821 5320 28 95 1 3
GAL-201 Mt Strom 7825 5321 106 465 1 5
GAL-201 Graz 7839 5320 88 376
GAL-201 Herstmon 7840 5320 98 348 3 11
GAL-201 Potsdam 7841 5321 10 48
GAL-201 Grasse 7845 5321 50 222
GAL-201 Matera 7941 5320 101 314 3 10
GAL-201 Wettzell 8834 5320 100 389 2 7
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
1152 3704 19 69

GALILEO-202 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 17-MAR-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-202 Komsomol 1868 5320 12 34
GAL-202 Simeiz 1873 5320 2 5
GAL-202 Mendelee 1874 5320 6 17 1 4
GAL-202 Altay 1879 5320 4 14
GAL-202 Arkhyz 1886 5320 5 16
GAL-202 Katzivel 1893 5320 3 24
GAL-202 Mcdonald 7080 5320 2 4
GAL-202 Yarragad 7090 5320 94 262
GAL-202 Greenbel 7105 5320 18 55 1 2
GAL-202 Monument 7110 5320 35 85
GAL-202 Tahiti 7124 5320 3 10
GAL-202 Changchu 7237 5320 162 302 3 8
GAL-202 Hartebee 7501 5320 3 12
GAL-202 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 30 65
GAL-202 Shanghai 7821 5320 21 84 2 9
GAL-202 Mt Strom 7825 5321 74 335 1 2
GAL-202 Graz 7839 5320 75 309
GAL-202 Herstmon 7840 5320 77 222 1 1
GAL-202 Potsdam 7841 5321 2 10
GAL-202 Grasse 7845 5321 30 128
GAL-202 Matera 7941 5320 96 314 2 6
GAL-202 Wettzell 8834 5320 67 279 1 4
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
821 2586 12 36

GALILEO-203 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 17-MAR-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-203 Simeiz 1873 5320 2 6
GAL-203 Riga 1884 5320 1 7
GAL-203 Arkhyz 1886 5320 1 2
GAL-203 Katzivel 1893 5320 1 3
GAL-203 Mcdonald 7080 5320 1 3
GAL-203 Yarragad 7090 5320 171 468 3 6
GAL-203 Greenbel 7105 5320 30 83
GAL-203 Monument 7110 5320 35 81 2 4
GAL-203 Tahiti 7124 5320 8 29
GAL-203 Changchu 7237 5320 128 303 3 6
GAL-203 Hartebee 7501 5320 4 14
GAL-203 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 48 168 1 5
GAL-203 Shanghai 7821 5320 24 106 1 5
GAL-203 Mt Strom 7825 5321 68 290
GAL-203 Graz 7839 5320 41 169
GAL-203 Herstmon 7840 5320 61 209 3 5
GAL-203 Potsdam 7841 5321 2 9 1 3
GAL-203 Matera 7941 5320 114 377 1 4
GAL-203 Wettzell 8834 5320 43 160
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
783 2487 15 38

GALILEO-204 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 27-MAR-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-204 Simeiz 1873 5320 2 14
GAL-204 Mendelee 1874 5320 1 4
GAL-204 Arkhyz 1886 5320 3 10 2 8
GAL-204 Katzivel 1893 5320 1 7
GAL-204 Mcdonald 7080 5320 2 7
GAL-204 Yarragad 7090 5320 160 456 6 26
GAL-204 Greenbel 7105 5320 16 51
GAL-204 Monument 7110 5320 23 53 1 2
GAL-204 Tahiti 7124 5320 5 21
GAL-204 Changchu 7237 5320 136 313 2 3
GAL-204 Hartebee 7501 5320 8 24
GAL-204 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 33 129
GAL-204 Shanghai 7821 5320 27 121 3 15
GAL-204 Mt Strom 7825 5321 52 200
GAL-204 Graz 7839 5320 45 299
GAL-204 Herstmon 7840 5320 59 202 2 3
GAL-204 Potsdam 7841 5321 1 11
GAL-204 Matera 7941 5320 71 236 3 9
GAL-204 Wettzell 8834 5320 43 162
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
688 2320 19 66

GALILEO-205 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 22-OCT-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-205 Komsomol 1868 5320 4 8
GAL-205 Altay 1879 5320 8 25
GAL-205 Arkhyz 1886 5320 1 3
GAL-205 Yarragad 7090 5320 99 278 7 18
GAL-205 Greenbel 7105 5320 24 82
GAL-205 Monument 7110 5320 27 63
GAL-205 Tahiti 7124 5320 6 21
GAL-205 Changchu 7237 5320 100 209 2 2
GAL-205 Hartebee 7501 5320 3 10
GAL-205 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 9 39
GAL-205 Shanghai 7821 5320 12 46 2 8
GAL-205 Mt Strom 7825 5321 37 171 1 5
GAL-205 Graz 7839 5320 36 237
GAL-205 Herstmon 7840 5320 45 182
GAL-205 Potsdam 7841 5321 1 7
GAL-205 Matera 7941 5320 63 213 1 2
GAL-205 Wettzell 8834 5320 18 84
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
493 1678 13 35

GALILEO-206 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 22-OCT-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-206 Komsomol 1868 5320 5 13
GAL-206 Simeiz 1873 5320 1 4
GAL-206 Altay 1879 5320 6 16
GAL-206 Yarragad 7090 5320 119 336 8 19
GAL-206 Greenbel 7105 5320 17 55
GAL-206 Monument 7110 5320 14 31
GAL-206 Tahiti 7124 5320 4 16
GAL-206 Changchu 7237 5320 90 204
GAL-206 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 11 46
GAL-206 Shanghai 7821 5320 17 78 1 6
GAL-206 Mt Strom 7825 5321 34 136 1 2
GAL-206 Graz 7839 5320 37 223
GAL-206 Herstmon 7840 5320 33 94
GAL-206 Potsdam 7841 5321 2 10
GAL-206 Matera 7941 5320 41 145 2 6
GAL-206 Wettzell 8834 5320 23 79
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
454 1486 12 33

GALILEO-208 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 17-Dec-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-208 Komsomol 1868 5320 5 14
GAL-208 Altay 1879 5320 11 29 2 5
GAL-208 Arkhyz 1886 5320 1 3 1 3
GAL-208 Yarragad 7090 5320 121 361 8 19
GAL-208 Greenbel 7105 5320 6 24
GAL-208 Changchu 7237 5320 40 96 3 9
GAL-208 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 3 15
GAL-208 Mt Strom 7825 5321 17 49 1 2
GAL-208 Graz 7839 5320 4 20
GAL-208 Herstmon 7840 5320 18 55 1 5
GAL-208 Matera 7941 5320 10 42 3 10
GAL-208 Wettzell 8834 5320 15 59 1 5
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
251 767 20 58

GALILEO-209 CRD Weekly Tracking Report
Received 17-Dec-2015 - 16-MAY-2016

All 09-MAY-2016
ALL CRD 09-MAY-2016 16-MAY-2016
CRD Norm 16-MAY-2016 Norm
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Points Pass Seg Points
---------- -------- ----- ----- -------- ------- ----------- -----------
GAL-209 Komsomol 1868 5320 4 12
GAL-209 Altay 1879 5320 8 19 1 1
GAL-209 Yarragad 7090 5320 134 393 5 17
GAL-209 Greenbel 7105 5320 6 24 2 3
GAL-209 Changchu 7237 5320 43 103 2 7
GAL-209 Zimmerwa 7810 5321 4 16
GAL-209 Mt Strom 7825 5321 18 87 1 2
GAL-209 Graz 7839 5320 2 4
GAL-209 Herstmon 7840 5320 23 73 1 4
GAL-209 Matera 7941 5320 10 42 2 6
GAL-209 Wettzell 8834 5320 14 61 1 5
-------- ------- ----------- -----------
266 834 15 45

GALILEO-208 AND GALILEO-209 CRD Campaign Tracking Report
Received 01-Feb-2016 - 16-MAY-2016

-------- ----- ----------- ----------- ----------
Altay 1879 2 4 6
Brazil 7407 4 2 6
Changchu 7237 23 22 45
Greenbel 7105 1 0 1
Herstmon 7840 7 6 13
Komsomol 1868 3 2 5
Mt Strom 7825 8 12 20
Wettzell 8834 7 6 13
Yarragad 7090 76 90 166
----------- ----------- ----------
131 144 275

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