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SLR-Report No.21335

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Date:2017-07-24 13:30:29
Sender:Quicklook <dsgqlk@pharaoh532.net>
Subject:[SLR-Report] No.21335: SENTINEL CONSTELLATION Weekly Tracking Report
Author:Data Operation Center, NASA SLR
Content:Author: Data Operation Center, NASA SLR

SENTINEL-3A CRD Weekly Tracking Report

20-Mar-2016 20-Mar-2016 17-JUL-2017 17-JUL-2017
24-JUL-2017 24-JUL-2017 24-JUL-2017 24-JUL-2017
Sat Station PAD Wave Pass Seg Norm Pts Pass Seg Norm Pts
---------- -------- ----- ----- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
SENTINEL3A Golossiv 1824 5320 46 294
SENTINEL3A Riga 1884 5320 198 3379 1 11
SENTINEL3A Katzivel 1893 5320 150 1481 4 35
SENTINEL3A Mcdonald 7080 5320 13 82
SENTINEL3A Yarragad 7090 5320 1103 22333 18 296
SENTINEL3A Greenbel 7105 5320 351 6363 7 129
SENTINEL3A Monument 7110 5320 294 5600 4 70
SENTINEL3A Haleakal 7119 5320 206 3210
SENTINEL3A Changchu 7237 5320 629 4909 6 58
SENTINEL3A Beijing 7249 5320 48 484
SENTINEL3A Arequipa 7403 5320 181 1659 8 78
SENTINEL3A Hartebee 7501 5320 87 1318
SENTINEL3A Zimmerwa 7810 5321 58 1036 11 200
SENTINEL3A Borowiec 7811 5320 100 1774
SENTINEL3A Shanghai 7821 5320 35 221
SENTINEL3A San Fern 7824 5320 2 12
SENTINEL3A Mt Strom 7825 5321 510 8046
SENTINEL3A Simosato 7838 5320 77 1168 3 32
SENTINEL3A Graz 7839 5320 351 7010 7 208
SENTINEL3A Herstmon 7840 5320 395 5888 3 40
SENTINEL3A Potsdam 7841 5321 393 7091 8 133
SENTINEL3A Matera 7941 5320 283 3310 9 113
SENTINEL3A Wettzell 8834 5320 269 2526 4 39
----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
5779 89194 93 1442

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