Welcome >  Satellites >  BeiDou-3M2 (1706902) >  Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) >  Last 8 days

Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) within the last 8 days for BeiDou-3M2 (1706902)

Validated Station(s)

Station 2025-02-24 2025-02-25 2025-02-26 2025-02-27 2025-02-28 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 2025-03-03
Badary, Russia, 18900901 220 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 220
Changchun, China, 72371901 5521 --- 2239 --- --- --- --- --- 7760
Greenbelt, Maryland, 71050725 --- 43 --- --- --- --- --- --- 43
Herstmonceux, United Kingdom, 78403501 1170 2132 2613 4630 --- --- --- --- 10545
Kunming, China, 78198201 6661 --- --- 3052 15351 15996 --- --- 41060
Shanghai, China, 78212801 --- --- --- --- --- 40197 --- --- 40197
Wettzell, Germany (WLRS), 88341001 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1217 --- 1217
13572 2175 4852 7682 15351 56193 1217 --- 101042

Quarantine Station(s)

Station 2025-02-24 2025-02-25 2025-02-26 2025-02-27 2025-02-28 2025-03-01 2025-03-02 2025-03-03
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0

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