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Station History Log - McDonald Observatory, Texas (7080)

SOD Year Day
of Year
of Day
Data Impact System Description
70802419 2019 255 00:00 3 14.01 A series of lighning strikes disabled several subsystems. This permanently ended MLRS operations. RIP.
70802419 2019 066 00:00 3 6.01.02 MCP-PMT replaced with latest network standard, as QE of old MCP had dropped immensely.
70802419 2018 317 00:00 3 9.01.03 Cs clock replaced by CNS model 2 due Cs clock failure.
70802419 2015 194 00:00 3 05.04 Upgraded laser
70802419 2015 194 00:00 0 11.02 Replaced radar
70802419 2014 174 00:00 1 99 Replaced analysis computer OS with Ubuntu 14.04 Long Term Support
70802419 2013 343 00:00 0 6.02 Hamamatsu detector no longer functional
70802419 2013 233 00:00 2 99 Replaced controller OS with real time Linux (Ubuntu 12.04+RTAI) and ported control software
70802419 2013 192 20:42 2 12 Replaced Met4 unit s/n 117660 with s/n 117562.
70802419 2013 192 00:00 1 04 Re-align MLRS telescope and related optics
70802419 2012 164 00:00 2 12 Replaced Met3 meteorological sensors with Met4 (LynxOS controller)
70802419 2012 045 00:00 2 99 Testing using first version of Linux controller software
70802419 2010 105 00:00 2 10 Replaced old normal point program with new HTSI gnp normal point program.
70802419 2010 067 00:00 2 12 Replacement Met3 unit installed (calibration cycle)
70802419 2010 030 00:00 2 99 Controller system replaced with Dell 380 running LynxOS 4.2 and MLRS software
70802419 2009 182 00:00 2 09.01.02 Symmetricon Cs clock now station standard; TAC is backup.
70802419 2009 169 00:00 2 10 Processor system replaced w/ Dell Precision 380 running RHEL5 & MLRS software
70802419 2009 124 00:00 2 10 Old format full-rate and normalpoint dropped as CRD products have been validated.
70802419 2008 023 00:00 2 10 Begin parallel production processing and transmission of CRD format data with old format.
70802419 2007 146 00:00 2 06 Hamamatsu detector with Avantek amp added for use will high satellites and the moon.
70802419 2006 127 00:00 2 10 Fedora Core 4 Linux O/S installed on processor computer. All software recompiled.
70802419 2004 043 00:00 2 10 Processor computer upgraded with new motherboard, hard disk & Fedora Core 1 Linux O/S. All software recompiled.
70802419 2003 255 00:00 0 7 Baldwin abosulte and incremental yoke encode replaced with Heidenhain tape incremental encoder
70802419 2003 217 00:00 2 05.02 Krytron flashlamps replaced with avalanche diodes
70802419 2003 137 00:00 2 12 Paroscientific MET3 meteorology package (NASA network standard)
70802419 2001 142 00:00 2 06 New hardware bit positively identifies detector in use, and controller software puts it into the data stream.
70802419 1998 225 00:00 2 99 Replace controller with PC identical to new analysis workstation, running LynxOS 2.4.0 and updated software.
70802419 1997 344 00:00 2 06 Make Timer B return circuitry similar to that for fire to prevent sync problems with faster computer.
70802419 1997 239 00:00 2 09 Cesium beam replaced by crystal clock
70802419 1997 181 00:00 2 10 Linux-based on-site analysis system (HP replacement)
70802419 1996 087 00:00 2 12 Installation of new temperature and humidity sensor
70802419 1995 065 00:00 2 99 LynxOS-based controller system
70802419 1995 001 00:00 2 06.02 APD added as another lunar detector
70802419 1994 001 00:00 2 10 New onsite processing for full rate & quick-look data products.
70802419 1993 162 00:00 2 10 Software change -- Quick-look data. (Engineering & NP). Caused by colloc. testng range bias discovery.
70802419 1992 226 00:00 2 10 HP Normalpoint software upgrade installed - Poisson filter.
70802419 1992 101 00:00 2 10 S/w change to optimize normal-point integration step size & degree/order
70802419 1991 185 00:00 2 10 HP s/w changes installed to enhance q/l & normalpoint data production.
70802419 1991 100 00:00 2 10.01 HP Computer hdwre & s/w installed.
70802419 1990 335 00:00 2 06.01 All satellite data is now taken with MCP
70802419 1990 268 00:00 2 06.01 MCP installed for Lageos data. (Note: Etalon data will continue to be taken using the Varian PMT.)
70802419 1990 157 00:00 2 06 Phase 3B mod removed - now using Phase 3A timing configuration.
70802419 1990 120 00:00 2 06 Using Phase 3B timing - TD811.
70802419 1990 094 00:00 2 08.01 Spider Calibration Config.
70802419 1990 026 00:00 2 06 Insertion of an "OR" Gate.
70802419 1990 016 00:00 2 06 Notch Discr. capability.
70802419 1989 322 00:00 2 06.02 Varian with no amplifier receive configuration. (Lunar, high satellites)
70802419 1989 271 00:00 2 06.01 MCP moved to Port 2 for Varian PMT/MCP switch
70802419 1989 256 00:00 2 09 Constant clock phase gate modification

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