Welcome >  Stations >  Yarragadee, Australia (7847)

Yarragadee, Australia (7847)

Common information

SiteYarragadee, Australia
Primary Contact:n.a.
Secondary Contact:n.a.
Tertiary Contact:n.a.
Status:Not Active
¹: from site log // ²: from database if no approved site log is available

Status of the latest SOD

SOD Start Date End Date Active
78477001 1970-01-01 active Quarantine

List of SODs

SOD DOMES Start Date End Date Active
78477001 50107S009 1995-09-01 1996-04-30 No

Normal Point Data (CRDv2)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Version Status More
No data available
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Full-Rate Data (CRDv2)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Version Status More
No data available
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Normal Point Data (CRD)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Version Status More
No data available
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Full-Rate Data (CRD)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Version Status More
No data available
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Normal Point Data (CSTG)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Version Status More
No data available
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Full-Rate Data (MERIT-II)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Version Status More
No data available
Show next 250 datasets

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