Welcome >  Tools >  CPF-Check


The EUROLAS Data Center (EDC) as ILRS Operation Center (OC) has the task to check the format of all incoming CPF files from the prediction providers. In the process of checking submitted data sets in the data flow, the EDC checks the following fields which can be found here. The software on this page can be used for checking predictions (CPF) using format version 1.0 and 2.0 .

The target groups for this tools are

  • prediction providers who create predictions for new satellites.
  • station managers of stations who use predictions for tracking satellites.
  • users who are working with predictions.

Procedure of checking data sets:

  • Uploading CPF file
  • Checking CPF file
  • Retrieve Summary

Detailed information of quality checks:

You can find here the upload form for checking your CPFs after login.

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