Welcome >  Satellites >  Glonass-80 (9807701) >  Full-Rate Date (MERIT-II) >  Tracking Statistics

Glonass-80 (9807701)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Full-Rate Date (MERIT-II)

Station First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
18931801, Katzively 2001-05-23 19:06:16 2001-05-23 19:18:18 1 113 723
70802419, McDonald 2000-01-28 07:43:05 2002-02-20 10:56:08 219 130401 259519
70900513, Yarragadee 2000-01-27 23:42:26 2002-02-18 08:37:47 590 615246 1261840
71050725, Greenbelt 2000-01-28 05:41:48 2002-02-18 01:56:25 276 272330 570831
71100411, Monument Peak 2000-01-27 06:51:20 2002-02-23 07:00:50 389 458044 891167
72102313, Haleakala 2000-10-18 08:19:53 2002-01-04 11:25:38 72 9206 178748
75010602, Hartebeesthoek 2000-10-09 20:15:32 2002-02-20 22:28:29 84 109966 161957
79180609, Greenbelt 2000-03-02 23:09:25 2000-03-10 23:15:11 4 6303 9016
Last update: Jan. 20, 2025, 9:51 a.m.

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