Welcome >  Satellites >  IRNSS-1F (1601501) >  Normal Points (CRDv2)

IRNSS-1F (1601501)

Latest Normal Points (CRDv2)

Incoming Date Satellite Station Start Data Date End Data Date Status More
  2024-07-09 18:58:27 IRNSS-1F, 1601501 Tenerife, 77015701 2024-07-08 20:28:22 2024-07-08 20:32:19 00 Valid More
  2024-05-14 08:51:19 IRNSS-1F, 1601501 Tenerife, 77015701 2024-05-13 20:43:53 2024-05-13 21:52:15 00 Valid More

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