Welcome >  Stations >  Koganei, Japan (CRL) (7308) >  Full-Rate Date (MERIT-II) >  Tracking Statistics

Koganei, Japan (CRL) (7308)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
ADEOS, 9604601 1996-09-22 12:46:35 1997-02-04 12:27:03 5 811 654
Ajisai, 8606101 1995-02-10 21:11:26 1998-04-22 16:17:33 230 100563 112793
Compass-M1, 0701101 2009-03-11 14:21:10 2009-03-26 16:23:22 6 2849 7659
ERS-1, 9105001 1995-03-14 13:15:19 1996-06-06 12:12:50 7 2122 1521
ERS-2, 9502101 1995-11-27 13:13:31 1998-04-20 13:18:34 31 4104 5340
Etalon-1, 8900103 1995-05-17 15:47:55 1997-10-27 18:39:38 18 4472 32333
Etalon-2, 8903903 1995-11-15 17:15:18 1997-12-16 09:16:21 18 6992 33848
FIZEAU, 9305501 1997-04-26 18:28:33 1997-10-30 09:29:11 6 549 634
GFO-1, 9800701 1998-04-22 11:19:21 1998-04-22 11:20:45 1 107 85
Giove-A, 0505101 2009-03-11 14:51:09 2009-03-15 19:36:42 3 392 2813
Giove-B, 0802001 2009-03-10 16:36:33 2009-03-10 19:42:09 2 241 1994
Glonass-63, 9402102 1995-11-10 09:52:10 1997-04-14 10:38:08 18 16160 35981
Glonass-67, 9405003 1996-03-05 16:30:33 1997-12-15 08:39:54 12 6587 23781
Glonass-71, 9500901 1997-11-05 17:38:13 1998-01-26 08:40:08 10 5426 17551
Glonass-99, 0505002 2009-03-15 15:21:27 2009-03-17 13:54:19 3 962 4571
GPS-35, 9305401 2009-03-17 10:57:06 2009-03-17 11:22:30 1 120 1525
GPS-36, 9401601 2009-03-10 16:00:02 2009-03-26 16:39:53 5 326 7177
Lageos-1, 7603901 1995-03-07 16:02:08 1997-11-06 15:26:57 84 34832 104432
Lageos-2, 9207002 1995-03-11 09:47:02 1998-02-23 09:33:08 117 56437 177268
Starlette, 7501001 1995-03-07 18:24:17 1998-04-20 11:15:18 96 20289 31029
Stella, 9306102 1995-03-08 12:28:00 1998-04-22 12:32:13 42 7822 10330
Topex, 9205201 1995-03-08 13:43:36 1998-04-20 18:36:17 99 41275 43593
Last update: Dec. 21, 2024, 4:17 p.m.

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