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Station History Log - Grasse, France (LLR) (7845)

SOD Year Day
of Year
of Day
Data Impact System Description
78457801 2024 138 09:00 1 6.02.01 replacement of the IR APD , same model (RMY PGA-200-1064)
78457801 2023 285 16:00 0 8.01 add two meters of optical fibers for calibration in infrared and green
78457801 2023 052 22:00 1 5.04 Some problems with the laser oscillator, we had to replace several components, the laser is fixed the 28/03/2023 (day of year 087)
78457801 2023 046 17:00 1 5.04 replacement of several flashlamps in the laser
78457801 2022 203 09:00 1 6.01.02 replacement of the start optical fiber for the event timer
78457801 2022 034 13:00 1 6.02.01 replacement of the IR APD , same model (RMY PGA-200-1064)
78457801 2021 300 13:00 1 6.02.01 replacement of the IR APD , same model (RMY PGA-200-1064)
78457801 2021 249 09:00 0 6.01.02 replacement of some electonics components for the event timer dassault
78457801 2021 193 09:00 0 6.02.01 replacement of the IR APD , same model (RMY PGA-200-1064)
78457801 2021 012 10:00 0 8.01 new optical fiber at 532nm
78457801 2020 294 09:00 0 5 The optical fiber for the start was damaged, it is changed by a new one
78457801 2020 231 13:00 0 12.01 PTU303 (presure , temperature and humidity sensor) calibration
78457801 2019 273 15:00 2 4.02 new coating for the primary mirror
78457801 2019 190 10:00 1 5 New position for optical fiber for the start
78457801 2019 126 14:00 1 9 Some issue with the phase and frequency offset generator (HROG-10) after the maser, we remplace it with HROG 5Mhz
78457801 2019 126 10:00 1 5.04 repair of the driver of the acousto-optic modulator
78457801 2019 106 10:00 0 8.01 New optical fibers (25m) for calibration in infrared and green
78457801 2019 091 08:00 1 9 Some issue with the phase and frequency offset generator (HROG-5) after the maser, we remplace it with HROG 10Mhz
78457801 2019 071 10:00 1 4.01 we changed the m4 mirror (rotating mirror) in the coude path by a new one.
78457801 2019 059 15:00 1 6 We replaced the Wratten neutral optical densities that were in front of the infrared and green photodiodes with glass neutral optical densities
78457801 2019 057 09:00 0 6 installation of an opaque textile around the nasmyth table (where the apd are installed) to reduce light noise
78457801 2019 014 10:00 1 5.04 repair of the driver of the acousto-optic modulator
78457801 2019 009 10:00 1 5.04 tuning of acousto-optic modulator

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