Welcome >  Stations >  Matera, Italy (MLRO) (7941) >  Station Logs

Station History Log - Matera, Italy (MLRO) (7941)

SOD Year Day
of Year
of Day
Data Impact System Description
79417701 2024 164 13:00 0 12 Insert weather sensors S/N
79417701 2024 156 18:00 0 12 Humidity and temperature sensor replacement
79417701 2024 135 15:00 0 6.01 CFD calibration file update
79417701 2023 362 15:00 0 5.02 Laser bank second amplifier rod replacement
79417701 2023 040 14:00 0 6.013 PMT and CFD board replacement
79417701 2023 011 08:00 0 99 Replaced computer controller platform, now operating under linux Operative System, SW ported accordly
79417707 2022 213 09:00 0 99 lageos qc RMS treshold increase (from 8 to 10 mm)
79417701 2022 199 14:00 0 09.01.03 cesium oscillator replacement
79417707 2022 180 09:00 0 12.01.01 Update barometri height difference value to 2.4 mt
79417701 2022 074 15:00 0 8.01 GT calibration method hourly
79417701 2022 045 14:00 0 6.01.11 PMT replacement (sys delay -133mm due cable replacement inside CFD)
79417701 2021 180 13:00 0 8.01 ground calibration target specification
79417701 2017 340 12:00 0 8.01 using Ground Target F 9995 instead Ground Target B 9991
79417701 2017 338 00:00 0 6.01.10 PMT replacement
79417701 2014 245 00:00 0 6.01.09 PMT replacement
79417701 2014 205 00:00 0 6.01.08 PMT replacement
79417701 2014 080 00:00 0 6.01.07 PMT replacement
79417701 2013 101 00:00 0 9.02.02 Gps receiver replacement
79417701 2012 283 00:00 0 6.01.06 PMT replacement
79417701 2010 144 00:00 0 6.01.05 PMT replacement
79417701 2009 259 00:00 0 6.01.04 PMT replacement
79417701 2008 172 00:00 0 6.01.03 PMT replacement
79417701 2008 018 00:00 0 5.02 Pumping laser replacement
79417701 2007 050 00:00 0 6.01.02 PMT replacement
79417701 2005 293 00:00 0 6.01.01 PMT replacement
79417701 2004 285 00:00 0 99 Telescope azimuth inductosyn replaced
79417701 2003 254 00:00 0 99 Laser Diode Replacement
79417701 2002 010 00:00 0 99 Baseline configuration
79417701 2000 010 00:00 0 99 Starting installation

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