Welcome >  Satellites >  Beacon-C (6503201) >  Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) >  Last 8 days

Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) within the last 8 days for Beacon-C (6503201)

Validated Station(s)

Station 2025-03-24 2025-03-25 2025-03-26 2025-03-27 2025-03-28 2025-03-29 2025-03-30 2025-03-31
Badary, Russia, 18900901 --- --- --- 312 --- 3195 --- --- 3507
Beijing, China, 72496102 --- --- --- 402 24773 3553 2407 --- 31135
Borowiec, Poland, 78113802 --- --- --- 674 689 1158 --- --- 2521
Changchun, China, 72371901 --- --- --- 21922 --- 382213 --- --- 404135
Greenbelt, Maryland, 71050725 --- 484 1118 1814 1022 --- --- --- 4438
Haleakala, Hawaii, 71191402 --- --- --- 729 --- --- --- --- 729
Kunming, China, 78198201 100949 163301 46885 123174 --- --- 13407 --- 447716
Shanghai, China, 78212801 --- --- 20177 --- --- --- 172398 --- 192575
Tahiti, French Polynesia, 71240802 135 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 135
Tenerife, Spain, 77015701 --- --- --- --- --- 3542 --- --- 3542
Tsukuba, Japan, 73069301 16347 7365 --- --- --- --- --- --- 23712
Wettzell, Germany (WLRS), 88341001 --- --- --- 9419 9602 --- --- --- 19021
Wuhan, China, 73964701 181114 191338 --- --- --- --- --- --- 372452
Yebes, Spain, 78176201 --- --- --- --- 45315 --- --- --- 45315
Zelenchukskya, Russia, 18899901 --- 154 --- --- --- --- --- --- 154
298545 362642 68180 158446 81401 393661 188212 --- 1551087

Quarantine Station(s)

Station 2025-03-24 2025-03-25 2025-03-26 2025-03-27 2025-03-28 2025-03-29 2025-03-30 2025-03-31
Wettzell, Germany (SOSW), 78272201 --- 1450 --- --- 3892 --- --- --- 5342
Zimmerwald, Switzerland, 78106801 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 17218 17218
--- 1450 --- --- 3892 --- --- 17218 22560

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