Welcome >  Satellites >  Beacon-C (6503201) >  Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) >  Last 8 days

Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) within the last 8 days for Beacon-C (6503201)

Validated Station(s)

Station 2024-12-26 2024-12-27 2024-12-28 2024-12-29 2024-12-30 2024-12-31 2025-01-01 2025-01-02
Arequipa, Peru, 74031306 66 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 66
Changchun, China, 72371901 102899 133601 161139 14791 89874 151248 84922 --- 738474
Greenbelt, Maryland, 71050725 --- --- --- --- 3526 5699 --- --- 9225
Haleakala, Hawaii, 71191402 --- --- --- --- 283 2586 --- --- 2869
Irkutsk, Russia, 18915301 16850 --- --- --- --- --- --- 2515 19365
Kunming, China, 78198201 34079 23111 --- 108614 --- 82231 47758 --- 295793
Matera, Italy (MLRO), 79417701 --- 751 --- 840 765 887 --- --- 3243
Monument Peak, California, 71100412 --- --- --- --- 4711 --- --- --- 4711
Potsdam, Germany, 78418701 --- --- --- 11830 --- --- --- --- 11830
Shanghai, China, 78212801 --- 183653 190163 181516 197455 170151 408896 118535 1450369
Wuhan, China, 73964701 --- 20416 13965 --- 74760 73019 70718 --- 252878
153894 361532 365267 317591 371374 485821 612294 121050 2788823

Quarantine Station(s)

Station 2024-12-26 2024-12-27 2024-12-28 2024-12-29 2024-12-30 2024-12-31 2025-01-01 2025-01-02
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 0

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