Welcome >  Satellites >  Beacon-C (6503201) >  Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) >  Last 8 days

Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) within the last 8 days for Beacon-C (6503201)

Validated Station(s)

Station 2024-04-20 2024-04-21 2024-04-22 2024-04-23 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 2024-04-26 2024-04-27
Arequipa, Peru, 74031306 27 --- 172 443 222 466 152 9 1491
Badary, Russia, 18900901 --- --- --- 451 37708 4190 518 22083 64950
Beijing, China, 72496102 2855 --- --- 25350 --- --- --- --- 28205
Borowiec, Poland, 78113802 --- 1309 --- --- --- --- --- --- 1309
Changchun, China, 72371901 58425 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 58425
Golosiiv, Ukraine, 18248101 --- --- --- --- 224 --- --- 104 328
Graz, Austria, 78393402 --- 765328 --- --- --- 119998 --- --- 885326
Greenbelt, Maryland, 71050725 --- --- 4863 2023 47 3099 2820 --- 12852
Haleakala, Hawaii, 71191402 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 92 92
Herstmonceux, United Kingdom, 78403501 --- 21253 --- --- --- --- --- --- 21253
Katzively, Ukraine, 18931801 --- 340 --- --- --- --- --- --- 340
Kunming, China, 78198201 72089 183211 164799 93529 233717 68444 67596 --- 883385
Matera, Italy (MLRO), 79417701 612 1402 312 3284 244 --- --- --- 5854
Monument Peak, California, 71100412 --- --- --- 408 --- --- --- --- 408
Potsdam, Germany, 78418701 --- --- --- --- --- 51889 --- --- 51889
Tenerife, Spain, 77015701 --- --- 2235 --- 10538 18781 --- --- 31554
Wettzell, Germany (WLRS), 88341001 4305 --- 3478 --- --- 12522 1491 5079 26875
Wuhan, China, 73964701 --- 86036 --- 88204 15868 44274 199805 --- 434187
Zelenchukskya, Russia, 18899901 --- --- --- 16508 --- --- --- --- 16508
138313 1058879 175859 230200 298568 323663 272382 27367 2525231

Quarantine Station(s)

Station 2024-04-20 2024-04-21 2024-04-22 2024-04-23 2024-04-24 2024-04-25 2024-04-26 2024-04-27
Sejong City, Republic of Korea, 73942601 --- --- --- --- --- 400075 --- --- 400075
--- --- --- --- --- 400075 --- --- 400075

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