Welcome >  Stations >  Apache Point, NM (7045) >  Normal Points (CRDv2) >  Tracking Statistics

Apache Point, NM (7045)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
Apollo-11, 0000100 2006-06-04 03:13:35 2024-08-11 03:46:42 1218 1218 276842
Apollo-14, 0000102 2006-06-04 03:23:26 2024-08-11 03:51:06 1174 1174 264893
Apollo-15, 0000103 2006-04-07 06:24:27 2024-08-11 03:33:35 2849 2849 772698
Luna-17, 0000101 2010-05-05 11:47:35 2024-08-11 03:54:34 562 562 120675
Luna-21, 0000104 2006-06-18 11:28:36 2024-08-11 03:40:17 492 492 109758
Last update: Feb. 23, 2025, 11:28 a.m.

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