Welcome >  Stations >  Hartebeesthoek, South Africa (7501) >  Full-Rate Date (MERIT-II) >  Tracking Statistics

Hartebeesthoek, South Africa (7501)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
ADEOS-2, 0205601 2002-12-23 08:13:44 2002-12-26 21:02:20 2 168 425
Ajisai, 8606101 1993-06-21 08:58:17 2011-05-07 19:50:23 4289 4830649 1941593
ALOS, 0600201 2006-07-07 09:58:17 2006-08-25 09:00:52 6 2363 1690
ANDE-Castor, 0903806 2009-08-17 22:12:59 2010-02-02 01:16:27 3 56 173
ANDE-Pollux, 0903805 2009-09-02 15:55:20 2010-02-02 00:44:32 2 58 129
ANDE-RR Active, 0605506 2007-01-22 12:27:49 2007-06-15 09:53:13 2 70 61
ANDE-RR Passive, 0605510 2007-06-22 21:38:37 2007-07-01 18:34:04 4 851 366
Beacon-C, 6503201 2000-08-10 20:16:35 2011-03-23 03:28:47 735 178686 99019
Blits, 0904907 2009-11-02 07:18:35 2011-04-02 19:44:39 46 2914 4779
Champ, 0003902 2001-07-12 15:32:56 2010-04-10 21:24:40 344 59272 34879
Compass-M1, 0701101 2009-06-23 21:54:35 2011-04-01 00:41:51 27 24025 60876
Cryosat-2, 1001301 2010-08-18 09:57:22 2011-04-01 10:56:18 63 21646 12335
Envisat, 0200901 2002-04-15 19:50:31 2011-05-07 21:16:03 1474 488210 295705
ERS-1, 9105001 1993-08-01 21:15:03 1993-08-04 21:24:07 12 4381 4105
ERS-2, 9502101 2000-08-08 20:53:30 2011-05-07 21:29:37 1763 654444 383835
Etalon-1, 8900103 2000-08-23 19:14:54 2011-03-09 03:47:51 433 283532 854216
Etalon-2, 8903903 2000-09-26 17:56:12 2011-03-31 20:47:19 323 197955 603434
GFO-1, 9800701 2000-08-11 18:19:36 2008-09-23 14:34:10 1276 420528 264208
Giove-A, 0505101 2006-06-26 17:02:39 2010-10-28 21:08:42 9 2445 13577
Giove-B, 0802001 2009-07-27 00:27:33 2011-03-29 23:41:19 18 5016 23082
Glonass-102, 0606201 2007-06-11 21:16:08 2007-11-13 23:38:13 11 2466 7943
Glonass-78, 9506802 2000-09-26 20:28:53 2002-01-10 12:08:16 94 158322 202335
Glonass-80, 9807701 2000-10-09 20:15:32 2002-02-20 22:28:29 84 109966 161957
Glonass-84, 0006302 2001-03-07 20:00:28 2005-08-24 00:31:33 262 238323 524513
Glonass-86, 0105303 2002-04-17 06:03:35 2003-02-25 02:40:51 58 22286 90688
Glonass-87, 0105302 2002-03-17 22:01:19 2007-01-05 00:56:55 355 302966 734433
Glonass-89, 0206001 2003-03-30 22:37:25 2007-03-13 22:51:16 217 198205 383865
Glonass-95, 0405302 2005-12-14 02:11:14 2008-03-06 01:11:45 97 31409 126847
Glonass-99, 0505002 2007-02-28 21:38:56 2009-01-22 23:31:39 16 1506 15641
Goce, 0901301 2009-07-29 04:26:09 2011-03-07 16:48:40 21 2303 1583
GPB, 0401401 2004-09-21 20:34:06 2006-06-01 16:44:03 64 11692 7488
GPS-35, 9305401 2000-09-28 21:33:53 2005-06-24 01:35:16 10 2638 3726
GPS-36, 9401601 2001-01-08 19:50:58 2010-09-07 19:27:18 19 2707 14618
GRACE-A, 0201201 2002-05-02 18:35:22 2011-05-05 00:49:49 354 64626 39261
GRACE-B, 0201202 2002-05-14 17:17:39 2011-05-05 00:49:16 334 62219 36291
ICESat, 0300201 2005-05-13 11:10:53 2010-04-12 14:25:22 386 104635 62637
Jason-1, 0105501 2002-01-11 11:33:34 2011-05-05 02:23:31 1910 1013691 600155
Jason-2, 0803201 2008-07-29 16:36:04 2011-04-02 20:06:05 363 219116 124284
Lageos-1, 7603901 1993-07-01 04:00:34 2011-05-04 23:21:50 2665 4060586 3288058
Lageos-2, 9207002 1993-06-22 15:31:05 2011-05-04 04:59:50 2709 4468242 3891651
Larets, 0304206 2003-12-02 20:22:04 2011-05-05 05:41:45 769 201185 130639
Meteor-3M, 0105601 2002-05-14 18:34:26 2004-12-04 18:34:38 36 1258 1954
Oicets, 0503101 2006-05-31 12:00:43 2009-03-05 00:18:44 10 1958 1244
SOHLA-1, 0900205 2009-03-17 10:21:14 2009-03-17 10:22:05 1 93 52
Starlette, 7501001 1993-07-15 03:30:33 2011-05-05 03:08:51 2628 1411107 746590
Stella, 9306102 2000-08-08 19:13:58 2011-05-05 00:18:55 1698 670903 385267
TanDEM-X, 1003001 2010-08-28 16:15:02 2011-03-30 16:23:11 16 2818 1971
TerraSAR-X, 0702601 2007-06-20 15:59:16 2011-05-06 03:36:58 227 55182 31571
Topex, 9205201 1993-06-20 14:12:52 2005-12-10 21:01:01 1696 1655827 666553
Maroc-Tubsat, 0105604 2002-01-15 18:05:40 2003-03-05 08:12:02 206 52184 40001
Westpac WRONG ID, 9804301 2000-08-18 20:28:34 2002-01-07 08:09:22 47 2121 3798
Last update: Feb. 22, 2025, 6:06 a.m.

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