Detail View for Full-Rate Date (CRD) - Dataset No. 1434756
Data Information
Satellite: | Spinsat (9806714) |
Station | Katzively, Ukraine (18931801) |
Start Data Date: | 2016-07-17 00:40:22 |
End Data Date: | 2016-07-17 00:40:59 |
Creation Date: | 2016-07-17 01:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 9 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2016-07-17 01:41:37 |
Incoming Filename: | 1893_spinsat_crd_20160717_0040_00.frd |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | --- |
Send Daily NASA OC | --- |
Send Daily CDDIS: | 2016-07-17 |
H1 CRD 1 2016 07 17 01
H2 KTZL 1893 18 01 4
H3 spinsat 9806714 1076 40314 0 1
H4 0 2016 07 17 00 40 22 2016 07 17 00 40 59 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
C1 0 NCOL ND-YAG 1064.0 10.0 100. 250. 30. 1
C2 0 PCOD PMT 532.0 6. 950.0 .2 PHOTON-DEP 950.0 .2 40. 50. CFD
C3 0 NCOT GPS_Trimble_Thunderbolt_E GPS_Trimble_Thunderbolt_E SR620 02379 .0
60 PDAS 0 3
00 New CFD in the STOP channel
00 No CFD in the START channel
00 New experimental detector (transistor) in the START channel
40 2174.0 0 PDAS 100 100 -1.000 120189. -24. 164. -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 2 0
20 2174.0 1006.0 295.05 81. 0
10 2422.12589811561 .003950265497 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2435.52503860625 .003803169237 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2436.92494908125 .003793759336 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2437.52490793281 .003790084032 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2448.52420794375 .003761293081 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2450.12409872499 .003763256107 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2450.32408922188 .003763611508 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2450.72406827500 .003764395918 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
10 2457.32363746094 .003791357922 PDAS 2 2 0 0 0
20 2571.0 1006.0 294.95 82. 0
40 2571.0 0 PDAS 100 100 -1.000 120213. -24. 161. -1.000 -1.000 -1.0 3 2 0