Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 260070
Data Information
Satellite: | Cryosat-2 (1001301) |
Station | Sejong City, Republic of Korea (73942601) |
Start Data Date: | 2022-09-01 13:19:57 |
End Data Date: | 2022-09-01 13:21:30 |
Creation Date: | 2022-09-01 14:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 8 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2022-09-01 18:06:05 |
Incoming Filename: | 7394_cryosat2_crd_20220901_13_00.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | n.a. |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | 2022-09-01 18:00:00 |
Send Daily NASA OC | 2022-09-01 |
Send Daily CDDIS: | 2022-09-01 |
H1 CRD 2 2022 9 1 14
H2 SEJL 7394 26 1 3 ILRS
H3 cryosat2 1001301 8006 36508 0 1 1
H4 1 2022 9 1 13 19 57 2022 9 1 13 21 30 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
C0 0 532.000 std 5kHz CS GPS MET
C1 0 5kHz Nd:Yag 1064.00 5000.00 1.50 50.0 115.50 1
C2 0 CS CSPAD 532.000 20.00 5.0 80.0 +1V 10.0 na na na na na na 0
C3 0 GPS Spectracom SecureSync A033-ET 23367 na
20 47997.468252161758 998.00 294.15 77 1
20 48090.934452159694 998.00 293.95 78 1
40 48043.701352160730 0 std 40000 26000 1.328 258358.2 -3.6 24.6 0.169 -0.658 na 2 2 0 3 na
41 47997.468252161758 0 std 20000 13000 1.328 258360.0 na 24.7 0.156 -0.665 na 2 2 0 1 na
41 48090.934452159694 0 std 20000 13000 1.328 258356.4 na 24.5 0.182 -0.652 na 2 2 0 2 na
11 47997.468252161758 0.007296391270 std 2 15.0 790 40.0 0.022 -0.687 -0.7 1.1 0 na
11 48006.432452167086 0.007513434538 std 2 15.0 2050 39.0 0.012 -0.719 0.5 2.7 0 na
11 48025.009652157714 0.008015764170 std 2 15.0 5186 39.0 0.074 -0.687 -0.5 6.9 0 na
11 48035.760052165919 0.008334726994 std 2 15.0 4008 39.0 0.031 -0.674 0.1 5.3 0 na
11 48049.902452169175 0.008781201944 std 2 15.0 5893 39.0 0.083 -0.690 -0.9 7.9 0 na
11 48065.240852167335 0.009295095367 std 2 15.0 3456 39.0 0.043 -0.681 0.1 4.6 0 na
11 48082.138452166109 0.009891166987 std 2 15.0 1509 39.0 0.011 -0.708 -0.2 2.0 0 na
11 48090.934452159694 0.010212057193 std 2 15.0 192 37.0 -0.191 -0.525 0.3 0.3 0 na
50 std 38.9 0.051 -0.687 -0.0 0