Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 261073
Data Information
Info: This dataset was converted from CRDv1 (ID:
2756951) to CRDv2 by the EDC!
Satellite: | Lageos-2 (9207002) |
Station | Hartebeesthoek, South Africa (75036401) |
Start Data Date: | 2022-09-01 23:51:33 |
End Data Date: | 2022-09-01 23:56:34 |
Creation Date: | 2022-09-02 23:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 4 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2022-09-03 05:50:12 |
Incoming Filename: | 7503_lageos2_crd_20220901_23_00.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | n.a. |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | 2022-09-03 05:00:00 |
Send Daily NASA OC | 2022-09-03 |
Send Daily CDDIS: | not sent |
H1 CRD 2 2022 09 02 23
H2 HRTL 7503 64 01 4 ILRS
H3 lageos2 9207002 5986 22195 0 1 1
H4 1 2022 09 01 23 51 33 2022 09 01 23 56 34 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
C0 0 532.000 STD
20 85893.216618140000 869.60 281.90 34 0
40 85893.216618140000 0 STD 565 565 na 151440.0 na 171.2 na na na 3 2 0 0 na
11 85902.920146999997 0.049013331511 STD 2 120.0 22 163.7 0.517 na 169.2 na 0 na
11 85977.329531369993 0.048082742678 STD 2 120.0 237 172.3 0.179 2.464 -46.7 na 0 na
11 86115.195463299999 0.046474608972 STD 2 120.0 190 163.3 0.082 2.502 -13.4 na 0 na
11 86177.293563750005 0.045804500767 STD 2 120.0 116 146.5 0.164 2.427 -20.5 na 0 na
50 STD 156.5 0.104 2.533 -21.2 0