Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 275178
Data Information
Satellite: | Larets (304206) |
Station | Sejong City, Republic of Korea (73942601) |
Start Data Date: | 2022-09-28 16:51:24 |
End Data Date: | 2022-09-28 16:54:11 |
Creation Date: | 2022-09-28 17:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 7 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2022-09-29 03:17:21 |
Incoming Filename: | 7394_larets_crd_20220928_16_00.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | n.a. |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | 2022-09-29 03:00:00 |
Send Daily NASA OC | 2022-09-29 |
Send Daily CDDIS: | 2022-09-29 |
H1 CRD 2 2022 9 28 17
H2 SEJL 7394 26 1 3 ILRS
H3 larets 304206 5557 27944 0 1 1
H4 1 2022 9 28 16 51 24 2022 9 28 16 54 11 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
C0 0 532.000 std 5kHz CS GPS MET
C1 0 5kHz Nd:Yag 1064.00 5000.00 1.50 50.0 115.50 1
C2 0 CS CSPAD 532.000 20.00 5.0 80.0 +1V 10.0 na na na na na na 0
C3 0 GPS Spectracom SecureSync A033-ET 23367 na
20 60684.513252167075 997.00 289.05 88 1
20 60851.409452167492 997.00 289.05 89 1
40 60767.461352167287 0 std 40000 26000 1.328 258095.3 -0.3 28.1 0.126 -0.648 na 2 2 0 3 na
41 60684.513252167075 0 std 20000 13000 1.328 258095.4 na 28.0 0.134 -0.649 na 2 2 0 1 na
41 60851.409452167492 0 std 20000 13000 1.328 258095.1 na 28.3 0.119 -0.646 na 2 2 0 2 na
11 60684.513252167075 0.007330608226 std 2 30.0 1919 45.0 0.052 -0.759 0.1 1.3 0 na
11 60707.300252159235 0.006748206338 std 2 30.0 5585 41.0 0.110 -0.628 -0.7 3.7 0 na
11 60731.074052165408 0.006289435367 std 2 30.0 2551 41.0 0.076 -0.611 -0.9 1.7 0 na
11 60771.118252159438 0.005952581351 std 2 30.0 3609 44.0 0.009 -0.761 -0.5 2.4 0 na
11 60793.608452165099 0.006032803249 std 2 30.0 2127 42.0 0.043 -0.715 -0.9 1.4 0 na
11 60824.831652157853 0.006452664646 std 2 30.0 1062 41.0 0.005 -0.678 0.6 0.7 0 na
11 60851.409452167492 0.007047976604 std 2 30.0 1557 42.0 0.037 -0.696 -0.5 1.0 0 na
50 std 42.1 0.057 -0.682 -0.1 0