Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 334814
Data Information
Satellite: | Starlette (7501001) |
Station | Sejong City, Republic of Korea (73942601) |
Start Data Date: | 2023-01-04 14:30:58 |
End Data Date: | 2023-01-04 14:37:40 |
Creation Date: | 2023-01-04 18:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 15 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2023-01-11 09:33:47 |
Incoming Filename: | 7394_starlette_crd_20230104_14_00.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | 2.936 km ± 2.936 km |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | 2023-01-11 09:00:00 |
Send Daily NASA OC | 2023-01-11 |
Send Daily CDDIS: | 2023-01-11 |
H1 CRD 2 2023 1 4 18
H2 SEJL 7394 26 1 3 ILRS
H3 starlette 7501001 1134 7646 0 1 1
H4 1 2023 1 4 14 30 58 2023 1 4 14 37 40 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
C0 0 532.000 std 5kHz CS GPS MET
C1 0 5kHz Nd:Yag 1064.00 5000.00 1.50 50.0 115.50 1
C2 0 CS CSPAD 532.000 20.00 5.0 80.0 +1V 10.0 na na na na na na 0
C3 0 GPS Spectracom SecureSync A033-ET 23367 na
20 52258.073287158964 1013.00 271.65 57 1
20 52660.228287164085 1013.00 271.85 56 1
40 52459.150787161525 0 std 20000 13000 1.328 128997.4 na 34.2 0.078 -0.694 na 2 2 0 1 na
41 52258.073287158964 0 std 20000 13000 1.328 257994.7 na 34.2 0.078 -0.694 na 2 2 0 1 na
11 52258.073287158964 0.010786012001 std 2 30.0 235 61.0 -0.066 -0.826 2.4 0.2 0 na
11 52274.955887163982 0.010407875119 std 2 30.0 5806 59.0 0.108 -0.738 -1.6 3.9 0 na
11 52306.168887164669 0.009804605363 std 2 30.0 9637 54.0 0.248 -0.375 -1.6 6.4 0 na
11 52335.452087161699 0.009369845629 std 2 30.0 17107 59.0 0.172 -0.620 -2.2 11.4 0 na
11 52363.453287167991 0.009090600396 std 2 30.0 17081 59.0 0.057 -0.682 -0.8 11.4 0 na
11 52392.090687165313 0.008956510873 std 2 30.0 5505 66.0 0.203 -0.926 -4.9 3.7 0 na
11 52422.765087164720 0.008990499757 std 2 30.0 13190 63.0 0.112 -0.840 -1.8 8.8 0 na
11 52453.774887170082 0.009209396263 std 2 30.0 7383 59.0 0.053 -0.674 -1.2 4.9 0 na
11 52485.118487160908 0.009606158468 std 2 30.0 5675 68.0 0.323 -0.960 -5.6 3.8 0 na
11 52513.555287166120 0.010101404903 std 2 30.0 2514 60.0 -0.183 -0.621 1.5 1.7 0 na
11 52546.764487162684 0.010817872120 std 2 30.0 2242 58.0 0.060 -0.671 0.1 1.5 0 na
11 52578.843887162831 0.011626115950 std 2 30.0 4888 59.0 0.297 -0.564 -2.8 3.3 0 na
11 52603.825887158207 0.012319789119 std 2 30.0 4549 59.0 0.270 -0.624 -3.1 3.0 0 na
11 52632.260287169505 0.013165078311 std 2 30.0 2962 58.0 0.087 -0.592 0.1 2.0 0 na
11 52660.228287164085 0.014043984393 std 2 30.0 3237 57.0 0.217 -0.515 -2.0 2.2 0 na
50 std 59.9 0.147 -0.691 -1.8 0