Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 762174
Data Information
Satellite: | Starlette (7501001) |
Station | Greenbelt, Maryland (71050725) |
Start Data Date: | 2024-12-18 10:30:56 |
End Data Date: | 2024-12-18 10:37:43 |
Creation Date: | 2024-12-18 11:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 15 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2024-12-18 14:29:26 |
Incoming Filename: | nasa_202412181400.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | 1.19 km ± 1.089 km |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | NASA |
Send Daily NASA OC | NASA |
Send Daily CDDIS: | NASA |
Daily: | Out of date |
Monthly: | Out of date |
h1 CRD 2 2024 12 18 11
h2 GODL 7105 7 25 3 ILRS
h3 starlette 7501001 1134 7646 0 1 1
h4 1 2024 12 18 10 30 56 2024 12 18 10 37 43 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
h5 1 24 121700 SGF 08531
c0 0 532.000 new la1 mcp ti1 swm met cac
c1 0 la1 Nd:Yag 1064.00 10.00 100.00 150.0 7.44 1
c2 0 mcp MCP-PMT 532.000 12.0 3100.0 31.0 analog 400.0 1.00 80.0 30.00 none na na 0
c3 0 ti1 SRS_FS740 SRS_FS740 Cybi_ETM na 0.0
c5 0 swm sattrk 6.10 HPLDP,GNP 9.11.3,2.8.5
c6 0 met Paroscientific MET-4 117555 Paroscientific MET-4 117555 Paroscientific MET-4 117555
c7 0 cac C 170.52590 1.00 0.1643 na HPLDP 9.11.3
40 37856.900432900002 0 new 341 335 170.5259 87996.9 0.0 26.7 na na na 2 0 0 1 na
41 35254.700428876095 0 new 341 335 170.5259 87996.9 na 26.7 na na na 2 0 0 1 na
20 37858.500 1017.90 273.20 99. 0
11 37858.500429000000 0.009850835092 new 2 30.0 21 40.0 -0.694 1.968 na 7.00 0 na
20 37875.800 1017.90 273.20 99. 0
11 37875.800426200003 0.009538125794 new 2 30.0 168 61.0 0.245 0.934 na 56.00 0 na
20 37904.200 1017.90 273.00 99. 0
11 37904.200427900003 0.009143215884 new 2 30.0 163 58.0 0.271 -0.186 na 54.33 0 na
20 37934.600 1017.90 273.00 99. 0
11 37934.600429099999 0.008902395683 new 2 30.0 156 65.0 0.556 0.283 na 52.00 0 na
20 37965.000 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 37965.000426600003 0.008864552289 new 2 30.0 168 70.0 0.212 -0.060 na 56.00 0 na
20 37993.300 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 37993.300428000002 0.009014107670 new 2 30.0 161 63.0 0.511 0.471 na 53.67 0 na
20 38024.200 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38024.200426600000 0.009370270033 new 2 30.0 163 70.0 0.293 0.021 na 54.33 0 na
20 38053.500 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38053.500425699996 0.009874264600 new 2 30.0 116 57.0 -0.035 -0.274 na 38.67 0 na
20 38087.100 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38087.100428300000 0.010620324100 new 2 30.0 126 68.0 -0.020 -0.620 na 42.00 0 na
20 38115.000 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38115.000428100000 0.011351502108 new 2 30.0 139 57.0 0.115 -0.414 na 46.33 0 na
20 38144.300 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38144.300427900002 0.012206615489 new 2 30.0 138 57.0 0.235 0.211 na 46.00 0 na
20 38174.400 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38174.400428599998 0.013159317310 new 2 30.0 129 53.0 0.617 1.378 na 43.00 0 na
20 38205.100 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38205.100429099999 0.014192031488 new 2 30.0 128 56.0 0.341 0.107 na 42.67 0 na
20 38234.300 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38234.300427900002 0.015219214579 new 2 30.0 137 56.0 0.329 -0.014 na 45.67 0 na
20 38257.600 1018.00 273.00 99. 0
11 38257.600427700003 0.016063962002 new 2 30.0 40 70.0 0.776 0.733 na 13.33 0 na
50 new 63.9 0.261 0.071 na 0