Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 783784
Data Information
Satellite: | GRACE-FO-1 (1804701) |
Station | Yarragadee, Australia (70900513) |
Start Data Date: | 2025-01-29 01:44:15 |
End Data Date: | 2025-01-29 01:44:36 |
Creation Date: | 2025-01-29 02:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 5 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2025-01-29 04:29:39 |
Incoming Filename: | nasa_202501290400.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | 3.661 km ± 0.204 km |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | NASA |
Send Daily NASA OC | NASA |
Send Daily CDDIS: | NASA |
Daily: | Out of date |
Monthly: | Out of date |
h1 CRD 2 2025 1 29 2
h2 YARL 7090 5 13 3 ILRS
h3 gracefo1 1804701 123 43476 0 1 1
h4 1 2025 1 29 1 44 15 2025 1 29 1 44 36 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
h5 1 25 012800 gfz 02804
c0 0 532.000 new la1 mcp ti1 swm met cac
c1 0 la1 Nd:Yag 1064.00 10.00 100.00 150.0 6.00 1
c2 0 mcp MCP-PMT 532.000 15.0 3399.0 31.0 analog 400.0 1.00 80.0 30.00 none na na 0
c3 0 ti1 Truetime_XLDC Truetime_XLDC Cybi_ETM na 0.0
c5 0 swm sattrk 6.10 HPLDP,GNP 9.11.3,2.8.3
c6 0 met Paroscientific MET-4 106772 Paroscientific MET-4 106772 Paroscientific MET-4 106772
c7 0 cac B 150.42450 1.00 0.1651 na HPLDP 9.11.3
40 4485.550597845577 0 new 2458 2372 150.4245 97148.5 22.0 36.0 na na na 2 2 0 3 na
41 1574.950596643612 0 new 1420 1377 150.4245 97137.2 na 43.4 na na na 2 2 0 1 na
41 7432.400596048683 0 new 1038 1020 150.4245 97159.9 na 26.7 na na na 2 2 0 2 na
20 6257.701 981.10 312.20 9. 0
11 6257.700595000000 0.005549106027 new 2 5.0 28 32.0 -0.441 1.518 na 56.00 0 na
20 6262.001 981.10 312.20 9. 0
11 6262.000596800000 0.005397538394 new 2 5.0 19 30.0 0.287 0.551 na 38.00 0 na
20 6265.301 981.10 312.20 9. 0
11 6265.300596600000 0.005283984689 new 2 5.0 4 20.0 0.899 -0.908 na 8.00 0 na
20 6271.401 981.00 312.20 9. 0
11 6271.400596500000 0.005080996577 new 2 5.0 8 26.0 -0.692 -1.052 na 16.00 0 na
20 6275.301 981.00 312.20 9. 0
11 6275.300593500000 0.004956343521 new 2 5.0 2 1.0 0.000 -2.000 na 4.00 0 na
50 new 29.6 -0.158 1.312 na 0