Welcome >  Stations >  Metsahovi, Finland (7805) >  Full-Rate Date (MERIT-II) >  Tracking Statistics

Metsahovi, Finland (7805)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
Ajisai, 8606101 1986-09-03 20:42:01 1996-02-20 20:42:22 339 23068 186167
ERS-1, 9105001 1994-02-22 20:45:12 1996-02-20 20:06:42 215 10648 62762
ERS-2, 9502101 1995-05-01 20:02:03 1996-02-20 18:57:00 91 5370 27957
Etalon-1, 8900103 1994-04-04 21:58:34 1995-03-30 18:44:11 10 85 10160
Etalon-2, 8903903 1994-04-09 19:53:09 1994-04-10 19:19:10 4 21 3844
FIZEAU, 9305501 1995-03-13 22:52:30 1996-02-21 04:10:50 11 222 2473
Glonass-63, 9402102 1995-12-13 17:44:20 1995-12-13 17:53:30 1 14 551
Lageos-1, 7603901 1980-09-01 02:02:15 1996-02-18 23:15:43 350 10437 504470
Lageos-2, 9207002 1994-03-31 00:29:14 1996-02-21 00:13:02 67 4009 93491
Meteor-3, 9400301 1994-02-28 23:18:18 1995-10-22 04:28:46 191 8441 75942
Starlette, 7501001 1983-11-18 19:14:00 1996-02-11 16:24:46 104 2426 29523
Stella, 9306102 1994-02-22 20:24:49 1995-12-17 19:53:49 144 6077 37497
TiPS-2, 9602903 1996-09-14 22:58:40 1996-09-27 22:38:12 22 732 6476
Topex, 9205201 1994-01-09 17:19:19 1996-02-21 05:08:16 414 51132 237816
Last update: Feb. 23, 2025, 4:59 p.m.

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