Detail View for Normal Points (CRDv2) - Dataset No. 744222
Data Information
Satellite: | Stella (9306102) |
Station | Arequipa, Peru (74031306) |
Start Data Date: | 2024-11-17 13:17:39 |
End Data Date: | 2024-11-17 13:19:05 |
Creation Date: | 2024-11-17 13:00:00 |
Version: | 00 |
Observations: | 3 |
Wavelength: | 532.000 |
Incoming Date: | 2024-11-17 16:29:54 |
Incoming Filename: | nasa_202411171600.np2 |
Orbit QC with CPF: | 2.495 km ± 0.495 km |
System Information
Status: | Valid |
Send Hourly NASA OC: | NASA |
Send Daily NASA OC | NASA |
Send Daily CDDIS: | NASA |
Daily: | Out of date |
Monthly: | Out of date |
h1 CRD 2 2024 11 17 13
h2 AREL 7403 13 6 3 ILRS
h3 stella 9306102 643 22824 0 1 1
h4 1 2024 11 17 13 17 39 2024 11 17 13 19 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0
h5 1 24 111500 SGF 08211
c0 0 532.000 new la1 mcp ti1 swm met cac
c1 0 la1 Nd:Yag 1064.00 10.00 100.00 150.0 4.00 1
c2 0 mcp MCP-PMT 532.000 12.0 3050.0 31.0 analog 400.0 1.00 80.0 30.00 none na na 0
c3 0 ti1 SRS_FS740 SRS_FS740 Cybi_ETM na 0.0
c5 0 swm sattrk 6.10 HPLDP,GNP 9.11.3,2.8.5
c6 0 met Paroscientific MET-4 117635 Paroscientific MET-4 117635 Paroscientific MET-4 117635
c7 0 cac B 105.97800 1.00 0.0038 na HPLDP 9.11.3
40 48179.106507450342 0 new 1624 1609 105.9780 39115.7 5.0 23.3 na na na 2 2 0 3 na
41 47612.206389452331 0 new 543 541 105.9780 39112.4 na 21.3 na na na 2 2 0 1 na
41 48683.106729621068 0 new 1081 1072 105.9780 39117.1 na 24.0 na na na 2 2 0 2 na
20 47867.824 761.60 292.20 16. 0
11 47867.823923000004 0.006744412932 new 2 30.0 28 60.0 0.604 -0.252 na 9.33 0 na
20 47886.023 761.60 292.50 16. 0
11 47886.023493000001 0.007174368183 new 2 30.0 9 55.0 0.056 -1.651 na 3.00 0 na
20 47945.624 761.60 292.50 16. 0
11 47945.623709300002 0.009025106265 new 2 30.0 1 58.0 0.000 0.000 na 0.33 0 na
50 new 58.1 0.525 -0.364 na 0