Welcome >  Stations >  Haleakala, Hawaii** (7210) >  Full-Rate Date (MERIT-II) >  Tracking Statistics

Haleakala, Hawaii** (7210)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
ADEOS, 9604601 1997-02-11 21:36:36 1997-03-12 21:59:41 8 2301 1056
ADEOS-2, 0205601 2002-12-19 09:01:12 2003-01-17 08:37:01 11 3040 2100
Ajisai, 8606101 1986-08-16 04:59:24 2004-06-07 20:57:09 4419 3691680 2206821
Beacon-C, 6503201 1979-04-26 11:31:15 2004-06-03 20:25:37 1094 364640 369398
Champ, 0003902 2002-09-18 00:52:12 2004-06-03 03:18:31 142 20255 17697
Diadem-1C, 6701101 1997-05-04 05:15:59 1997-10-28 09:11:48 136 97131 40197
Diadem-1D, 6701401 1997-05-02 17:51:30 1997-10-30 22:51:26 148 167507 70846
Envisat, 0200901 2002-08-23 08:32:28 2004-06-03 20:32:45 483 113895 123605
ERS-1, 9105001 1991-07-31 09:14:28 1999-09-20 20:23:59 1671 488964 425586
ERS-2, 9502101 1995-05-01 20:33:37 2004-06-07 20:34:54 1374 500100 361959
Etalon-1, 8900103 1990-03-14 08:19:17 2004-04-28 05:43:59 666 215824 1414592
Etalon-2, 8903903 1990-03-14 13:22:25 2004-03-11 05:12:07 653 208872 1267774
FIZEAU, 9305501 1995-12-23 01:29:41 1998-10-01 00:20:49 275 71342 57419
GEOS-3, 7502701 1998-10-21 04:50:53 1999-02-17 08:08:17 29 21060 9006
GFO-1, 9800701 1998-04-24 06:49:38 2004-06-03 22:25:03 554 118013 139941
GFZ-1, 8601795 1995-06-01 10:09:41 1998-09-27 10:33:21 147 18794 17522
Glonass-62, 9402101 1998-10-25 04:43:22 1999-04-30 05:47:40 27 10248 43870
Glonass-63, 9402102 1995-07-08 13:14:05 1998-10-28 02:51:44 208 321924 462161
Glonass-65, 9405001 1998-09-24 23:50:36 1998-11-04 19:56:49 8 2446 13769
Glonass-66, 9405002 1998-09-27 02:42:04 1999-05-11 06:50:04 51 34327 111469
Glonass-67, 9405003 1995-07-27 07:46:24 1998-10-25 08:51:04 321 371671 683413
Glonass-68, 9407601 1998-10-25 08:42:45 1999-02-17 11:18:15 33 25987 62373
Glonass-69, 9407602 1998-10-28 08:34:30 1999-02-24 04:54:22 17 5853 41753
Glonass-70, 9407603 1998-10-27 23:54:14 1999-08-04 05:02:51 24 11498 40789
Glonass-71, 9500901 1997-10-12 05:31:09 1999-05-05 01:47:35 172 180632 390533
Glonass-72, 9500902 1998-11-22 09:35:30 1999-07-30 09:50:14 31 13723 87974
Glonass-78, 9506802 2000-09-20 06:14:21 2001-11-22 05:32:48 76 9871 175029
Glonass-79, 9506803 1998-10-30 22:42:42 1999-08-03 10:39:20 17 4847 28565
Glonass-80, 9807701 2000-10-18 08:19:53 2002-01-04 11:25:38 72 9206 178748
Glonass-81, 9807702 1999-04-27 07:16:38 1999-04-27 07:24:18 1 48 461
Glonass-84, 0006302 2002-08-23 03:08:23 2004-05-06 07:58:47 159 18746 232303
Glonass-86, 0105303 2002-09-26 07:07:00 2003-02-28 07:42:01 45 5095 90071
Glonass-87, 0105302 2002-08-29 09:36:17 2004-04-30 06:01:48 133 12005 192850
Glonass-89, 0206001 2003-04-18 09:41:51 2004-02-01 05:02:34 100 28375 270377
GPS-35, 9305401 1993-11-05 13:15:18 2003-11-09 04:21:30 488 86043 1364837
GPS-36, 9401601 1994-10-05 12:24:20 2003-12-22 04:26:07 390 40026 863455
GRACE-A, 0201201 2002-09-07 08:55:21 2004-06-07 21:59:10 135 21150 17178
GRACE-B, 0201202 2002-09-05 09:41:00 2004-06-03 22:16:48 95 15394 13160
Jason-1, 0105501 2002-08-21 01:38:51 2004-06-07 22:57:44 487 105587 173043
Lageos-1, 7603901 1979-05-23 10:55:57 2004-06-03 01:27:23 7801 6783352 11894306
Lageos-2, 9207002 1992-10-24 14:06:32 2004-06-07 21:40:04 3307 2892796 5763191
Larets, 0304206 2003-11-08 08:25:46 2004-06-07 20:54:19 84 15799 18325
Meteor-3, 9400301 1994-01-27 12:16:37 1995-11-09 11:45:47 524 225818 197748
Meteor-3M, 0105601 2002-09-05 08:02:12 2004-02-03 07:35:22 71 1177 12233
MSTI-2, 9402801 1994-07-20 16:25:03 1994-07-21 05:28:26 2 170 179
RESURS, 9407401 1996-10-03 19:48:12 1998-10-11 06:10:00 123 20206 19579
Starlette, 7501001 1979-03-05 15:45:16 2004-06-03 18:07:22 3432 1367419 1125503
Stella, 9306102 1993-09-23 04:05:17 2004-05-06 04:36:00 1756 639660 458033
TiPS-2, 9602903 1996-06-22 13:47:50 1996-09-22 06:47:12 21 6613 5062
Topex, 9205201 1992-08-12 05:10:43 2004-06-04 01:25:04 3243 2778297 1488380
Maroc-Tubsat, 0105604 2002-08-23 07:30:09 2003-03-10 08:20:03 128 15827 30936
Westpac WRONG ID, 9804301 1998-08-19 08:20:36 2001-12-21 08:28:13 85 4571 16777
Zeya, 9701001 1997-06-03 09:41:25 1997-06-25 10:12:48 3 109 358
Last update: Jan. 17, 2025, 10:29 p.m.

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