Welcome >  Stations >  Haleakala, Hawaii (7119) >  Full-Rate Date (CRDv2) >  Tracking Statistics

Haleakala, Hawaii (7119)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
Ajisai, 8606101 2022-03-19 02:17:13 2024-09-11 19:38:39 390 339531 147037
Beacon-C, 6503201 2022-03-23 18:58:07 2024-09-12 07:24:57 322 187400 97407
Cryosat-2, 1001301 2022-03-20 04:05:30 2024-09-12 07:08:41 241 90024 62772
ELSA-d (Chaser) , 2102213 2022-05-27 21:01:56 2022-12-10 21:26:53 5 196 302
ELSA-d (Target), 2102239 2022-03-25 21:19:39 2023-01-25 20:23:25 4 1084 621
Geo-IK-2, 1603401 2022-03-19 04:53:51 2024-02-16 04:38:51 44 19205 11018
GRACE-FO-1, 1804701 2022-03-20 01:47:47 2024-09-11 18:14:44 69 14264 11092
GRACE-FO-2, 1804702 2022-03-19 02:11:21 2024-08-21 20:03:13 65 12429 9875
HY-2B, 1808101 2022-03-19 03:21:29 2024-09-12 04:27:27 199 88661 57851
HY-2C, 2006601 2022-03-19 07:12:22 2024-09-06 01:34:57 246 118897 78096
HY-2D, 2104301 2022-03-23 22:33:08 2024-09-12 06:21:12 249 121307 78573
IceSAT-2, 1807001 2022-03-25 01:51:30 2024-09-04 07:47:55 84 20517 14404
Jason-3, 1600201 2022-03-19 08:18:01 2024-09-12 01:09:07 318 148309 116172
Kompsat-5, 1304201 2022-06-24 04:28:46 2023-11-16 04:14:44 19 3663 2913
Lageos-1, 7603901 2022-03-23 21:20:11 2024-09-12 06:52:02 517 185844 450283
Lageos-2, 9207002 2022-03-19 08:32:34 2024-09-12 07:00:15 503 128622 456529
Lares, 1200601 2022-03-19 03:05:57 2024-09-11 19:30:09 319 111473 125294
Lares-2, 2208001 2022-07-23 20:29:31 2024-09-11 21:09:05 320 88128 319855
Larets, 0304206 2022-03-20 00:34:48 2024-09-12 00:55:41 170 42787 36949
PAZ, 1802001 2022-03-19 04:12:23 2024-09-12 04:08:28 121 32213 23705
Saral, 1300901 2022-03-19 05:11:43 2024-09-12 05:10:35 107 29671 24831
Sentinel-3A, 1601101 2022-03-19 08:47:40 2024-09-11 21:04:19 324 145769 91036
Sentinel-3B, 1803901 2022-03-19 08:08:03 2024-09-12 07:30:06 326 137167 90810
Sentinel-6A, 2008601 2022-03-19 06:20:27 2024-09-07 02:14:57 304 163801 123259
Starlette, 7501001 2022-03-19 05:58:20 2024-09-12 05:19:11 295 135478 78224
Stella, 9306102 2022-03-19 04:17:49 2024-09-11 19:34:01 197 93257 53190
Swarm-A, 1306702 2022-03-31 03:02:13 2024-08-24 20:03:04 62 10991 8017
Swarm-B, 1306701 2022-03-19 04:33:03 2024-09-06 23:08:22 155 44341 29425
Swarm-C, 1306703 2022-03-19 03:52:38 2024-09-04 19:03:13 70 15387 10769
SWOT, 2217301 2023-02-25 02:26:54 2024-09-07 01:09:01 198 87089 57298
TanDEM-X, 1003001 2022-03-31 04:21:43 2024-09-02 04:18:11 32 5597 4741
Technosat, 1704205 2022-05-15 05:56:46 2023-01-20 06:00:54 18 1169 2272
TerraSAR-X, 0702601 2022-03-19 04:39:10 2024-09-12 04:35:01 38 6724 5076
Westpac, 9804305 2024-06-27 01:19:55 2024-09-12 01:20:32 14 417 1690
Last update: Sept. 12, 2024, 8:06 p.m.

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