Welcome >  Stations >  Borowiec, Poland (7811) >  Normal Points (CRD) >  Tracking Statistics

Borowiec, Poland (7811)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
ADEOS-2, 0205601 2018-11-06 01:06:26 2018-11-06 01:07:19 1 5 54
Ajisai, 8606101 2009-08-17 02:16:16 2023-06-26 00:23:12 683 9827 276277
ANDE-Castor, 0903806 2009-09-14 18:26:04 2009-10-29 22:44:12 6 44 312
ANDE-Pollux, 0903805 2009-09-19 17:56:09 2009-09-19 17:57:33 1 12 85
Beacon-C, 6503201 2009-07-11 20:53:19 2023-05-25 22:44:34 391 7701 114072
Blits, 0904907 2010-03-11 18:48:30 2010-03-11 18:52:13 1 7 224
Champ, 0003902 2009-07-31 21:57:47 2010-01-26 16:45:34 10 92 585
Compass-M3, 1201801 2017-02-16 17:17:25 2017-02-16 17:31:17 1 4 833
Cryosat-2, 1001301 2015-05-06 20:51:56 2023-05-18 20:22:36 394 5822 85887
ELSA-d (Chaser) , 2102213 2021-08-24 22:43:33 2023-04-22 22:45:19 38 660 4533
Envisat, 0200901 2009-07-13 20:50:38 2016-09-06 19:56:18 67 757 13417
ERS-2, 9502101 2009-07-10 21:18:55 2010-03-11 20:12:17 56 725 12509
Etalon-1, 8900103 2018-04-18 21:32:50 2023-05-26 21:37:25 16 71 15643
Etalon-2, 8903903 2016-12-27 21:39:36 2021-09-09 01:42:33 13 64 14333
Galileo-103, 1205501 2023-05-08 22:37:18 2023-06-07 22:36:16 8 34 7005
Galileo-104, 1205502 2016-09-19 22:23:37 2023-06-07 21:55:26 8 35 6982
Galileo-201, 1405001 2018-11-16 00:28:16 2022-01-14 16:55:50 17 88 19316
Galileo-202, 1405002 2018-03-19 20:14:28 2022-08-05 00:56:52 16 77 18207
Galileo-206, 1504502 2016-10-06 23:19:34 2016-10-06 23:27:07 1 3 454
Galileo-207, 1606901 2023-06-01 21:25:57 2023-06-01 22:22:15 2 8 2136
Galileo-208, 1507902 2016-09-19 18:32:59 2023-05-22 21:27:14 5 22 4942
Galileo-209, 1507901 2023-04-27 23:34:09 2023-04-30 23:21:54 3 11 2193
Galileo-210, 1603002 2023-05-31 23:48:12 2023-06-01 00:38:20 2 9 2285
Galileo-212, 1606902 2023-04-26 23:04:25 2023-06-02 22:41:28 7 30 6594
Galileo-213, 1606903 2023-04-20 19:43:11 2023-05-31 23:21:07 6 30 6826
Galileo-214, 1606904 2023-04-21 01:07:48 2023-05-13 22:47:08 4 16 3287
Galileo-216, 1707902 2023-06-02 23:24:52 2023-06-02 23:50:16 1 7 1525
Galileo-220, 1806004 2023-04-25 20:02:05 2023-04-25 20:08:21 1 2 377
Galileo-222, 1806002 2023-05-08 20:53:31 2023-05-08 21:11:31 1 4 1081
Geo-IK-2, 1603401 2018-02-09 04:50:59 2022-02-23 18:01:30 22 204 5194
Glonass-105, 0705202 2021-09-04 00:16:56 2022-02-14 20:21:39 5 24 5166
Glonass-106, 0705201 2021-11-25 03:47:02 2022-02-14 18:21:49 3 12 3044
Glonass-107, 0706501 2021-07-21 01:03:51 2021-11-22 23:32:13 9 41 8861
Glonass-116, 0907001 2021-07-20 21:04:27 2022-02-24 00:34:34 2 8 1913
Glonass-121, 1000702 2021-09-06 00:02:47 2022-02-23 21:51:13 7 33 7016
Glonass-122, 1004103 2021-07-24 22:44:26 2021-12-03 21:26:23 11 51 11498
Glonass-123, 1004102 2016-10-06 23:53:51 2016-10-07 00:06:39 1 4 769
Glonass-125, 1100901 2016-11-28 23:34:15 2016-12-30 21:48:19 2 11 2449
Glonass-127, 1106403 2021-07-27 21:07:29 2022-02-23 23:45:23 6 27 5658
Glonass-128, 1106401 2017-05-15 23:39:44 2022-02-11 23:10:56 36 159 32380
Glonass-129, 1106402 2016-09-19 20:48:35 2022-02-23 22:26:53 8 37 8056
Glonass-131, 1301901 2018-05-08 00:39:45 2022-02-24 03:16:32 32 147 30282
Glonass-132, 1401201 2018-11-06 00:04:51 2022-01-14 17:22:03 21 101 21692
Glonass-133, 1403201 2016-11-29 00:24:32 2022-02-23 19:02:18 35 149 30614
Glonass-134, 1407501 2016-09-19 21:39:04 2021-09-10 01:40:57 38 176 36712
Glonass-135, 1600801 2018-04-07 22:09:22 2022-02-02 21:36:49 33 147 30759
Glonass-136, 1603201 2018-10-09 00:22:51 2020-10-12 21:45:43 16 60 11267
Glonass-137, 1705501 2018-08-28 19:48:36 2022-01-17 20:32:15 48 228 47634
Glonass-138, 1805301 2021-06-30 22:33:17 2022-02-12 02:35:21 7 28 5536
Glonass-139, 1808601 2021-07-09 21:53:48 2022-01-03 20:25:35 11 52 10779
Glonass-140, 1903001 2021-06-28 21:29:22 2022-02-24 04:22:32 14 76 17004
Glonass-141, 1908801 2021-07-15 00:23:10 2022-01-20 23:10:37 9 47 10213
GRACE-A, 0201201 2009-07-30 01:24:03 2017-07-18 23:35:03 28 339 1819
GRACE-B, 0201202 2009-08-07 01:55:48 2017-08-29 21:25:51 31 416 2515
GRACE-FO-1, 1804701 2018-05-30 21:20:53 2023-04-27 19:28:18 95 2291 13056
GRACE-FO-2, 1804702 2018-05-29 21:42:09 2023-03-28 21:42:17 67 1699 9698
HY-2A, 1104301 2015-11-24 17:43:56 2020-02-18 17:37:42 24 223 5728
HY-2B, 1808101 2019-01-30 17:04:56 2022-02-12 04:50:05 16 112 2731
HY-2C, 2006601 2021-06-09 22:32:24 2023-06-04 21:55:52 153 1576 42573
HY-2D, 2104301 2021-06-23 22:34:58 2023-06-26 00:09:32 132 1461 39638
IceSAT-2, 1807001 2019-02-25 20:17:52 2019-02-26 19:53:41 2 14 336
Jason-1, 0105501 2009-08-07 01:21:20 2016-01-22 00:54:23 32 446 9792
Jason-2, 0803201 2009-08-07 02:09:10 2019-09-23 20:04:09 363 8319 132391
Jason-3, 1600201 2016-02-04 23:15:28 2023-06-16 22:46:37 647 14346 216173
Kompsat-5, 1304201 2015-09-30 18:25:37 2022-03-22 03:02:12 64 2058 10943
Lageos-1, 7603901 2010-01-23 22:03:23 2023-04-02 19:12:36 644 6385 680038
Lageos-2, 9207002 2009-07-11 21:22:58 2023-06-25 22:24:49 455 4490 502074
Lares, 1200601 2015-05-07 21:02:25 2023-05-25 20:40:42 683 7765 227612
Lares-2, 2208001 2022-08-03 20:45:29 2023-04-02 20:16:28 16 120 13882
Larets, 0304206 2009-07-12 20:49:52 2023-06-16 23:38:44 467 3304 90990
Oicets, 0503101 2016-08-30 19:11:14 2016-08-30 19:13:11 1 15 118
PAZ, 1802001 2018-11-29 05:05:55 2023-01-17 16:37:01 12 353 1801
Saral, 1300901 2015-09-22 03:18:13 2023-03-18 03:32:23 194 2633 38978
Sentinel-3A, 1601101 2016-04-29 19:44:45 2023-06-12 21:20:48 435 7141 107601
Sentinel-3B, 1803901 2018-05-17 20:56:52 2023-05-27 20:58:48 302 4675 69525
Sentinel-6A, 2008601 2020-12-04 23:57:57 2023-06-25 23:21:16 205 4287 64959
SNET-1, 1801410 2018-05-08 23:52:28 2020-09-17 22:14:28 40 473 3329
SNET-2, 1801407 2018-04-21 22:38:30 2020-08-17 23:24:17 13 189 1730
SNET-3, 1801408 2018-06-05 22:41:15 2020-09-06 23:04:06 8 72 691
SNET-4, 1801409 2018-04-17 22:20:43 2021-08-14 22:19:38 94 1126 8925
Spinsat, 9806714 2015-05-29 22:30:14 2016-09-11 01:49:58 14 152 1013
Starlette, 7501001 2009-08-07 02:00:56 2023-06-15 22:04:39 533 5499 152426
Stella, 9306102 2009-07-18 01:01:54 2023-02-28 17:50:07 175 1420 37905
STSAT-2C, 1300301 2015-07-10 23:15:12 2018-08-01 21:56:23 7 73 1051
Swarm-A, 1306702 2015-05-29 22:54:54 2023-06-25 22:56:27 125 2927 16483
Swarm-B, 1306701 2015-06-04 00:09:58 2023-04-21 19:24:27 217 5960 34693
Swarm-C, 1306703 2015-06-02 23:44:58 2023-06-15 22:17:27 112 2572 14685
SWOT, 2217301 2023-02-28 03:12:12 2023-06-18 22:13:06 19 340 5028
TanDEM-X, 1003001 2015-12-23 16:10:54 2023-01-03 16:19:12 8 192 1177
Technosat, 1704205 2018-02-08 23:41:52 2023-01-19 18:37:07 184 1436 24184
TerraSAR-X, 0702601 2010-01-26 05:41:08 2022-11-28 04:54:17 5 110 612
TUBIN, 2105922 2022-06-22 23:38:56 2022-10-11 23:57:37 2 17 220
Last update: Feb. 2, 2025, 5:03 a.m.

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