Welcome >  Stations >  Haleakala, Hawaii (7119) >  Normal Points (CRD) >  Tracking Statistics

Haleakala, Hawaii (7119)

ILRS Tracking Statistics of Normal Point Data (CRD)

Satellite First Observation Last Observation Pass-Segments Observations Duration in [s]
Ajisai, 8606101 2010-04-23 18:34:16 2022-09-21 23:26:19 3027 43130 1292922
Beacon-C, 6503201 2010-04-23 23:11:16 2022-09-23 01:17:46 2859 56041 920957
Blits, 0904907 2010-04-23 19:27:25 2012-12-28 20:25:39 204 1079 40375
Champ, 0003902 2010-05-30 05:07:27 2010-05-30 05:07:36 1 3 10
Cryosat-2, 1001301 2010-05-08 03:33:33 2022-09-30 07:02:04 1483 20295 351400
ELSA-d (Chaser) , 2102213 2021-09-08 20:52:22 2022-09-17 21:12:43 14 173 1425
ELSA-d (Target), 2102239 2022-03-25 21:19:39 2022-07-30 21:33:45 2 14 117
Envisat, 0200901 2010-04-23 20:59:20 2016-10-12 07:31:19 368 4978 84547
ERS-2, 9502101 2010-04-23 21:24:24 2011-08-27 21:18:58 127 2047 34528
Galileo-208, 1507902 2017-07-15 06:04:45 2017-07-15 06:14:32 1 3 588
Geo-IK-2, 1603401 2017-10-27 17:52:14 2022-08-19 04:28:14 449 3909 112509
Goce, 0901301 2011-09-24 05:24:01 2013-04-12 05:50:09 8 41 204
GRACE-A, 0201201 2010-05-01 05:30:17 2017-11-03 03:59:01 194 2984 23103
GRACE-B, 0201202 2010-05-02 04:58:09 2017-08-30 20:39:46 263 4329 35017
GRACE-FO-1, 1804701 2018-05-30 21:48:17 2022-09-23 00:23:56 150 3248 20894
GRACE-FO-2, 1804702 2018-06-04 21:36:31 2022-09-18 00:41:19 219 5339 33419
HY-2A, 1104301 2011-11-10 05:03:44 2020-09-14 05:17:18 890 7811 235947
HY-2B, 1808101 2019-02-07 04:19:23 2022-09-30 04:49:33 402 3590 104092
HY-2C, 2006601 2020-10-30 04:15:37 2022-09-24 21:19:33 213 2226 67350
HY-2D, 2104301 2021-06-11 06:32:22 2022-09-30 03:34:25 125 1212 36549
ICESat, 0300201 2010-04-26 02:22:26 2010-06-15 00:55:55 19 272 2585
IceSAT-2, 1807001 2018-11-14 01:02:58 2022-07-30 19:55:24 155 3832 25207
Jason-1, 0105501 2010-04-23 18:10:23 2013-06-29 19:03:28 522 12716 223040
Jason-2, 0803201 2010-04-22 18:41:12 2019-10-01 21:20:45 1635 34534 621808
Jason-3, 1600201 2016-02-11 07:00:24 2022-09-30 03:15:11 1233 28615 489631
Kompsat-5, 1304201 2014-02-28 03:59:51 2022-07-15 04:53:53 269 6721 45641
Lageos-1, 7603901 2010-04-23 18:25:41 2022-09-30 05:21:44 3121 25790 3304872
Lageos-2, 9207002 2010-04-20 23:40:01 2022-09-22 18:22:29 3551 31023 4090093
Lares, 1200601 2012-02-24 01:05:06 2022-09-30 02:47:12 1749 20324 673005
Lares-2, 2208001 2022-07-23 20:29:31 2022-09-29 01:49:24 32 299 35280
Larets, 0304206 2010-04-22 19:03:26 2022-09-23 01:15:39 1273 8286 256594
Lomonosov, 1602601 2016-09-29 21:12:56 2016-09-29 21:16:27 2 36 424
PAZ, 1802001 2018-09-21 03:54:51 2022-09-29 03:50:55 250 6877 45053
Proba-2, 0905902 2011-01-06 04:07:21 2011-02-06 04:24:36 4 59 1109
Saral, 1300901 2013-04-12 04:53:31 2022-09-30 05:25:34 811 10010 173453
Sentinel-3A, 1601101 2016-04-11 21:21:39 2022-09-30 07:58:26 991 14940 245190
Sentinel-3B, 1803901 2018-05-09 21:07:50 2022-09-30 08:58:19 537 8223 134577
Sentinel-6A, 2008601 2020-12-03 18:33:02 2022-09-30 02:25:47 191 3890 68230
SNET-1, 1801410 2018-05-31 09:39:43 2020-10-17 22:06:36 40 606 4742
SNET-2, 1801407 2018-07-09 21:25:58 2019-02-04 21:53:42 7 77 944
SNET-3, 1801408 2018-06-20 21:38:34 2018-07-21 22:18:33 3 39 476
SNET-4, 1801409 2018-05-28 21:37:01 2021-08-14 21:51:50 75 933 9228
Spinsat, 9806714 2015-01-10 23:17:08 2016-10-07 06:10:30 38 541 3765
Starlette, 7501001 2010-04-20 22:42:43 2022-09-21 18:39:43 2526 25805 775324
Stella, 9306102 2010-04-20 23:58:51 2022-09-30 06:13:09 1707 14457 442689
STSAT-2C, 1300301 2014-03-13 06:55:26 2017-04-06 23:10:46 12 78 1235
Swarm-A, 1306702 2013-12-03 23:45:01 2022-09-22 22:38:35 381 7252 49731
Swarm-B, 1306701 2014-01-17 20:19:11 2022-09-23 00:45:26 749 18384 123136
Swarm-C, 1306703 2013-12-07 23:58:18 2022-09-17 23:37:26 243 4402 28307
TanDEM-X, 1003001 2010-09-19 03:49:34 2022-09-16 04:51:03 307 6495 45200
Technosat, 1704205 2017-08-04 21:15:24 2022-09-30 06:37:31 275 1976 36366
TerraSAR-X, 0702601 2010-04-29 03:47:59 2022-09-30 04:00:45 341 7024 52133
Tiangong-2, 1605701 2018-09-06 03:17:54 2018-10-11 20:00:41 8 165 1293
TUBIN, 2105922 2022-07-16 00:06:52 2022-07-16 00:07:53 1 4 62
ZY-3, 1200101 2012-08-10 21:34:10 2012-08-22 09:17:03 2 25 394
Last update: March 9, 2025, 3:10 a.m.

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